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 Post subject: For those interested in where words come from....
 Post Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 10:00 am 
Forum Seventh Year
Forum Seventh Year
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Joined: Wed Jul 11, 2007 12:00 am
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Location: Hiding under the desk.... (in Canada)
I've been thinking of posting something on this for a while. Because I can't be the only one that is enough of a geek to care about this. :P

Everyone already knows about http://www.dictionary.com, of course.

But one of the radio stations here also has a mini-program they've started on the origins of phrases and the archives are available online. :)
http://www.ckua.com - I'd post the site for just the program, but I can't manage to get the url. (I hate frames sometimes.....) Just go to the bottom where it has a pull-down menu named "Select a Program" and choose the program called "Expressions"

(It's also a pretty good radio station in general and I'm happy that I finally have a computer that Windows Media Player will work on..... Yay! I will include a bit of a disclaimer that they're doing a fundraiser right now, so they are a little more talkative than usual. :P
And oh yes.... this is the station that I first heard "Nobody Here But Us Chickens" on first...)

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