I'm sorry that this is so late, dear.... I only found out about ten minutes ago when Talia told me and asked me to post for him. *hugs*
Mmm, I read this at my own leisure due to me only being able see part of the forums. And I know this is most definitely not the same, but about a month ago alot of you would know... my friend Jared passed away as well at the age of nineteen.
Bitexme... usually i do not plan to ask people to send in a forums connection, but HP is still my home and you are still one in my family even if I am no longer able to... well speak for myself.
It is a huge pain and a huge void when a friend dies and I know how it feels. That loss of that one extra hug you needed in the day, that loss of one extra voice.... but, hold on to the good memories. Celebrate the love... the joy and that great friendship you shared.
Celebrate the good, the bad, and every moment you had with her. Celebrate her...and she lives on inside of you. Like Jared's memory will forever be embedded in my heart and soul.
I do believe in an afterlife and hopefully your friend and my friend can find peace and friendship and family amongst each other, because that would mean alot. That my friendship with you extends far beyond the bonds of life her itself, I know Jared. If I want this to be watched he will be the cool friend he was. Life will go on.
In the old, the new... life and death. She will not be forgotten. Hopefully you know where to reach me if you ever need to talk about it.
I feel very sorry for your loss.
As for me... I wish there were more that I could say, but there isn't except that it's always going to hurt because this person is always going to be missing from your life.
(My own story is one of my best friends in college died in her sleep due to an undiagnosed heart problem - the reason why I stress seeing a doctor sometimes)
All that anyone can ask of you though is that you don't hide yourself away and that you remember the light that they brought to your life with love and you live with the knowledge that she loved you. *hugs more*