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 Post subject: Nifty RANDOM Thing
 Post Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 9:19 am 
Forum Antagonist
Forum Antagonist
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Location: In your bed, unless you don't have a bed....in that case...Who is this? 0.0
Ok, this is a totally random thing. So right now, if you are against random just hit the "back" button on your mouse now!

If not, then click here!

http://www.tulsadowntown.org/index.cfm? ... entIDNew=1

My guy thing took me here the other day. It is COOL! Yup, if you stand in a circle, shown in a picture, you hear your echo!

It's neat. Make's for some trippy conversations.

Anyways.... No point to this in reality. Just a random thing I found and Jesh found a link to it.

Anyone have anything like that around where they live??

*would post a joke*

*but all the ones she got in PM's were naughty*



 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 10:24 am 
Azkaban Dementor
Azkaban Dementor
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I've seen several places like that. I like them. There was one similar to that on the Quad of my university. And a sculpture that accomplished the same effect vertically in the performing arts center.

[And I moved the thread from Out of Character--which IS HP-related--to Miscellanea--which is not HP-related. Just FYI.]

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 Post Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 10:34 am 
Forum Antagonist
Forum Antagonist
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Location: In your bed, unless you don't have a bed....in that case...Who is this? 0.0
Ok, thanks for the move~!~

As for you having seen one, thats cool!!

It was nifty as hell when I stood there, cuz the whole time I'm thinking, this isn't going to work, theres nothing here for it to echo off of.

Then it worked and I was like WTF!


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 Post Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 11:07 am 
Azkaban Dementor
Azkaban Dementor
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Yeah, they are really cool. It's because of the sound waves, I think, hitting all the points of the curve and bouncing back right at you at the same time. What's really cool is that it doesn't require a big, flat surface--even a low, stone wall with columns cut into it or a relatively small surface area create the effect. Maybe someone with some audio engineering background can explain it to us better.

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 Post Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 11:12 am 
Forum Troll King
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Pft. You always make things so complicated, JB.

It's Maaaaagic.


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 Post Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2007 11:13 am 
Forum Antagonist
Forum Antagonist
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Location: In your bed, unless you don't have a bed....in that case...Who is this? 0.0
Maybe, I don't know if you can see in the pics, I should have taken some of my own TBH, but the "gardens" it talks about are only like... a foot high.

They are also benchs so its funny when you sit down so low.

I did take one picture. Right infront of the circle it says "Hey Corporate America, F You" then has a middle finger.....

Gah the joys of Downtown Tulsa....

I'll have to go back sometime. Its crazy how many people walked by me, and just looked at me like I was crazy. Like they didn't know what I was doing. Hell maybe they didn't...


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 Post Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 9:11 am 
Forum Antagonist
Forum Antagonist
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Location: In your bed, unless you don't have a bed....in that case...Who is this? 0.0
I have a joke and I figured I'd just post it here, instead of making a new thread~!~

A baby monkey asked his mother, "Why are we so ugly?" His mother said, "You better thank God we look this way, you should see the person reading this!"



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