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 Post subject: Project Failure.
 Post Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:08 pm 
Forum Sixth Year
Forum Sixth Year
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Joined: Sat Jul 07, 2007 12:00 am
Posts: 207
Location: Pie.
Any of you like writing, or just have a love for the written word? Can't find a decent book on your shelf, or want to write one for said shelf? Wonna be the next Rowling, or just read the next Rowling's stuff? (Sorry. I had to.)

Project Failure is founded and heavily influenced by City Of Arabel players, mainly The Peeper (its founder), Lizard Man, Ralter, Seth (who is a DM on aforementioned server), Forte, and multiple others. Mainly because I'm feeling so terribly isolated there, being the only one who doesn't quite know a lot about CoA, I'm inviting you lovely people to come and join us on what may be the greatest writing experience of our - or, in the case of Felien, the last - generation.

The writing doesn't need to be about CoA, or on 'Project: Arabel' at all. You can write about anything you want. From Harry Potter to Pokemon. Hell, it doesn't even have to be a story. Song lyrics, poems, all that jazz is welcome there, too.

So, what are the writers of this community waiting for?

(Side note to Nik- Yeah, should've asked before being the flyer boy of PF. Sorry. If you find it 'wrong,' or whatever, feel free to delete the thread. Though PF isn't a server on any game, so I wouldn't really be drawing anyone away from WoHP.)

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