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 Post subject: Bad news...
 Post Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:46 pm 
Forum Third Year
Forum Third Year
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Joined: Sat Aug 18, 2007 12:00 am
Posts: 59
Location: Sitting in my corner, watching you from the shadows...
I figured I should announce it on the forums, instead of telling people individually. Mom caught me doing certain... unmentionable things, and I have been grounded indeffinately from the computer... so... meeps.

*Waits for a response and calmly states* Happy April Fools day by the way. ^_^ Yeah, lame, but there wasn't one yet, so I had to >.>. And to those who it's already April second... bah on you all. (And no, I am not grounded because I know someone is bound to ask)

"You think anything is possible. But that isn't so. The world closes tight around this miracle soon enough; and you don't ask for other miracles. That is, you become accustomed to the new limits and the limits define everything once again."

Characters: Rhea Maltrix, Hufflepuff and Annabel Morgan, Ravenclaw

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