World of Harry Potter Forums

I need some Help
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Author:  ChanceFerrin [ Sat Apr 26, 2008 10:24 am ]
Post subject:  I need some Help

I have been looking for Photos everywhere! I can't find any good sites that have 'Embed' Photos. Does anybody know of good sites that have Embed photos? In fact, does anybody know how to embed photos you have? or is it just impossible? I am not to sure on stuff like this, which is really sad. :? If you have anything else on these sort of things, Please, do tell.

Author:  Nikblade [ Sat Apr 26, 2008 12:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Chance, you don't know how to embed images...?

<a href="¤t=dinealone.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Go to and make an account. Then upload pictures
from your computer (to get pictures on your computer, right click on them
from the internet and choose "save picture as"). Then, depending on
where you're trying to embed the picture, you'll either copy/paste the html
or IMG section of the new picture (on photobucket) into where ever you
want it.

Example: I found "Dine Alone" on google. I right clicked on it and chose
Save Target As. I saved it to my desktop. Then I went to photobucket and
chose to upload it. Under the picture, on the site, are the picture's html
and IMG text. I selected the html and copied it before pasting it in this
post. And presto!

I'm not sure if you needed that much in-depth help, but there you go.

Author:  ChanceFerrin [ Sat Apr 26, 2008 12:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

lol :lol: Nice one. Also, thanks, I think I understand now. That makes alot more sense, Thanks Nik. :wink:

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