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Vampires? Werewolves?
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Author:  Insanity [ Sun May 18, 2008 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Vampires? Werewolves?

Quite simple, really. Much like the age-old debate of pirates vs. ninjas, which are better? Vampires or Werewolves?

EDIT! You'll probably vote for whichever you think is coolest, but which do you think would win in a fight then?

Author:  AdrianCHCardIII [ Sun May 18, 2008 3:28 pm ]
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Vampiric werewolves.

Author:  Insanity [ Sun May 18, 2008 3:31 pm ]
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Cheater! There is no such thing! It's one or the other.

Author:  Saroki [ Sun May 18, 2008 3:33 pm ]
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...Or a hairy vampire?

Author:  JBMT [ Sun May 18, 2008 3:37 pm ]
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Here. On HP, the vampire would get a GM smack-down and the werewolf would win by a snout.

*cringes a little at referencing the spooky-ooky CV forums*

Author:  Insanity [ Sun May 18, 2008 3:44 pm ]
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That's where I got the idea, JB..

Author:  Saroki [ Sun May 18, 2008 3:51 pm ]
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That's just weird :P

Author:  Insanity [ Sun May 18, 2008 3:53 pm ]
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Hey, that server's gonna be cool! I sure as hell hope so. Been waiting for like 6 months by now..

Author:  ChanceFerrin [ Mon May 19, 2008 6:26 am ]
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Well its kind of hard to choose. There are so many stories with Vampires or Werewolves, and some with both werewolves and Vampires. I would think its sort of like the Van Helsing the movie. *shrugs* (if you havent seen that movie, its basically, the only way to kill a Vampire is it being bitten by a werewolf, or thats the general idea) :wink:

Author:  Anyndur [ Mon May 19, 2008 11:04 am ]
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ChanceFerrin wrote:
Van Helsing the movie. *shrugs* (if you havent seen that movie, its basically, the only way to kill a Vampire is it being bitten by a werewolf, or thats the general idea) :wink:

That, and being stabbed through the heart with a stake/cross.

Author:  Laucian1 [ Mon May 19, 2008 11:21 am ]
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Having been a fan of both...I'm gonna have to go with Werewolves. Here's why.

1. A vampire's major weakness is sunlight, which occurs at *least* 50% of the time, almost everywhere in the world. A werewolf's major weakness is silver, which is a rare, valuable metal that, while not rare enough to warrant only the wealthiest of monster hunters to be able to afford, is no where near as prevalent as sunlight.

2. Vampires feast on blood, which they usual suck out of fleshy part of the body with little to no muscle. On a werewolf, which is almost pure muscle in most myths, this is hard to get. A werewolf, on the other hand, feasts on flesh. Sure, they might prefer living flesh, but a werewolf has an easier time taking a chunk out of a vampire than a vampire has getting its teeth into a werewolf.

3. Vampires sleep during the day and come out a night. A werewolf is a human during the day and a wolf at night (well, originally only during full moons, but nowadays they seem to be able to turn at will). In the original stories, werewolves were pretty much awake 24 hours on nights with full moons. Therefore, vampires have slightly more downtime than werewolves...although this increases a hell of a lot if you consider torpor and their need to reduce the thickness of the blood in them or go insane and start eating other vamps.

While most of these qualities might not have much effect in a fight, I think the first is the best. For a vamp to win easily, he needs a bunch of silver (something that he's allergic to as well, according to some people). For a werewolf to win easily, all he has to do is keep the vampire out until day time (Not as easy as it sounds, but a hell of a lot less dangerous than the vampires options).

Now I'm gonna take a break from BSin' my way through arguments for a while. Gotta go turn in my project for theatre.

Author:  Insanity [ Mon May 19, 2008 11:29 am ]
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The bullshit about vampires and silver is just that.. bullshit. Werewolves don't like silver - vampires don't care.

But you forgot one thing.. Vampires got their amazing renegerative abilities. Even without feeding, they regenerate way faster than any normal being would. And yeh.. Werewolves seemingly change into their wolf-form at will's just this recent thing.. Personally I don't like it much, but that may just be because I prefer vampires.

About sunlight.. I don't think a vampire has to sleep during the day. Maybe a weaker one, but I could counter that with saying a weaker werewolf may not be able to shapeshift at will. While any vampire would combust by going into the sunlight during the day, they may still be able to remain active during that time, by staying indoors.

Of course, maybe I'm becoming too 'modern' in the vampire lore aswell, and vampires do have to sleep during the day. But even so, that gives vampires 50% activity during their lifetime, whereas a werewolf could (presumably) only be active 3 nights a month. (I think.. Isn't there 3 nights of full moon a month?)

But it may all be based on me prefering vampires. ;)

Author:  Laucian1 [ Mon May 19, 2008 11:34 am ]
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Well, depends on how full it needs to be. Usually there's one a month, with a day of waxing/waning where it looks full.

And before we continue this argument, we needa figure out exactly which lore we're using for which monster.

Author:  Graymeiste [ Mon May 19, 2008 11:44 am ]
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Well... I'm going to interject a bit of history here.

Almost all societies have legends of both werewolves and vamps. I'm going to stick with the western world...mostly since that's what I know best.

Werewolves were typically of two forms. There were the berserkers who supposedly channeled the spirit of a beast, a.k.a. bjorn+serkr or "bear shirt" types of Norse history. Basically, these were normal people who entered into a state of rage. The second is typically handled through the description of the "wolf strap" granted to them by some evil ritual/deal with the Devil/etc. These people put on a belt (usually) and were able to shift into the form of a wolf. No huge, hulking humanoid pile of muscle and fangs.... Just a wolf. To most medieval folks, that by itself was more than frightening enough.

(BTW...a very entertaining book...heck, whole series of books...that touches on this is Jim Butcher's "Fool Moon." He steals a bit from here and there, but it's a very interesting "alternate" view of wizarding in the current day and age. I recommend em highly.)

Now then...that being said...going off of those kind of legends, my money is on the vampire.

If we go into the more current kinds of stories, it's all gonna come down to benefits/age/etc.

Werewolves a la the White Wolf gaming system are made to be engines of destruction. They are very difficult to kill, hella strong, and generally not something you'd want to get in close to. Vampires are more magically inclined (a.k.a. powers) and tend to do a lot more "thinking." Given some time to get set up, my money's always on the vampire. Some elder vamps who are HIIIIGHLY skilled could probably even go toe to toe with a wolf. From a point of surprise or chaos, though, I'm betting on the garou. A Prius gets better gas mileage, better tax breaks, and is easier to park.

When it gets hit by a semi, though....

My 2 cents! Like Bren said...we've gotta set a starting point for all this.

Author:  Reebober [ Mon May 19, 2008 3:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Vampires win by virtue of being damn sexy.

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