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 Post subject: Chichester Psalms
 Post Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 1:58 pm 
Plant Talker
Plant Talker
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Joined: Mon Jan 22, 2007 12:00 am
Posts: 495
Location: Caldwell, ID
So, this a link to a song our choir sang at our last concert with our conductor. I think it's pretty badass, especially as time goes on, but unfortunately we lost the last two words due to the twenty minute time limit. Check it out, leave some comments here or there (though I won't be checkin' there). And there's no advisory warning, I'm just too lazy to figure out how to embed the video here.


Edit: Just watched it from the site. Apparently half the third movement was cut off. Too bad, that was our best. Anyway, enjoy the first two movements and the organ introduction to the third.

Brennan Brask: 7th Year Slytherin
Ryuzaki Tanaka: 7th Year Ravenclaw

 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 7:34 pm 
Nice. I used to work on the sound crew for our youth choir. They'd tour from Sacramento to San Diego and back durring spring break. Members of the sound crew mostly ran on Mountain Dew that week and were thus called "The Dew Crew". (we hadn't heard of the racing pit crew named the same until much later)

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