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Author:  Lilith [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 6:47 am ]
Post subject:  Dental

Meh...I figured I'd ask here. Well basically I'm getting my wisdom teeth in (hurts like a sunova). For the past month there's been half a tooth popping out of the gums in the back with slight pin-pricking irritation. However, about two days ago part of my gums started to swell and bleed...That hurts very bad. My dad thinks I scratched it somehow with popcorn (I <3 popcorn), but I don't know. Do any of you guys know what this is/if there's something seriously wrong/if I'm going to drop dead/need help quickly?

P.S. I don't smoke, drink, and I am a (and I quote from my father) "a little girl and only old people get gingitivis" so..ehm, I 'dunno if it's gum disease...hopefully not. I also can't eat anything hard, I tried to eat a sammich and it hurt too bad to actually enjoy. >_> <_<


Author:  RT [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 7:17 am ]
Post subject: 

My gums did all kinds of crazy stuff when my wisdom teeth came in...probably because the teeth can sometimes come in, then recede, over and over...but the bleeding is a little worrisome, especially if there's a lot of it. I'd go see a dentist as soon as you can, even if it is just a scratch, because gum/mouth infections can be dangerous.

And no, I don't think you're going to drop dead ;) <3 <3

Author:  RaginCajun [ Thu Sep 25, 2008 8:34 am ]
Post subject: 

I got my wisdom teeth pulled about a year and a half ago. I actually think that's when I found the server....anyways!
I didn't really know how important it was to have them removed, but reading your description makes me think I dodged a bullet there.

Thanks! :lol:

Author:  Tsunami [ Fri Sep 26, 2008 6:59 am ]
Post subject: 

1. Sounds fairly normal with wisdom teeth. I doubt you have any gum diseases, just complications with the teeth coming out.

2. Go see a dentist.

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