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 Post subject: WoHP youtube Series
 Post Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 11:47 pm 
Forum Third Year
Forum Third Year
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Joined: Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:45 pm
Posts: 97
Location: Australia
I'm creating a youtube series of a group of students and their antics at Hogwarts.
The trailer for it is already under construction, and we have the filming and scripting covered.
The series will follow a group of 5 students through their years at hogwarts.
We currently need 3 more first year students for the main group, but older characters are welcome to become a part of it as extras (either frequent or scarce).

EDIT: Older characters are welcome to audition, just need to look like a firstie during filming until they become older. (Ex: Sierra Tillery wants to be in it, for the filming she would need a appearance change.)

The audition for the three characters will be announced soon, and we will try to make it the best time for as many people as possible.

(for those interested; yes, the idea was derived from Red vs Blue http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BAM9fgV-ts)

Xem Nergen - 3rd year Hufflepuff
Zephyrus Syden - 1st year Slytherin

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