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Author:  ShacadiaShay [ Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Photoshopping

hey all,
i photoshop alot, & it gives me something to do in which i enjoy.
as some of you may know ive been photoshopping things for Elemental Priestess for a while now. i just want to let you all know that if you have pictures you want to use for your RP characters & they need fixing, PM them to me & tell me what you want fixed.
example. eye color, hair color

Shacadia Shay

Author:  Shifty [ Thu Feb 11, 2010 8:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Photoshopping

You beat me to it! Lol, seriously, I had just been thinking about starting a similar thread. If you get inundated with stuff, or want someone to collaborate with, I'd be happy to help. Also, I've got scads of Google photo storage, so if anyone needs a picture hosted somewhere, I can do that too.

[This is true. Only hours before you, Shay, posted this, I was talking to Feargus about this. --Banana]

Author:  ShacadiaShay [ Thu Feb 11, 2010 2:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Photoshopping

lol ive been meaning to post for weeks.
i enjoy photoshopping & photo manipulation why else would i have gone through 3yrs of studies. on it :P
plus at the moment im waiting on my visas approval so i cant really find work or go back to studies its difficult because im home alone all day so photoshopping helps me by giving me some thing to do & focus my mind on.

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