World of Harry Potter Forums

Late Night Gaming
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Author:  celticxfaerie [ Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:56 am ]
Post subject:  Late Night Gaming

For the past little while that I have been staying up very late into the wee hours of EST, I have been finding myself more often than not waking up to the sight of tells and OOC messages wondering where I am. The answer is simple: I passed out.

I really don't mean to fall asleep at my laptop but its becoming too frequent and I'm becoming notorious on another server for it as well >.>';. I don't even realize that I have fallen asleep until its too late and its already been over an hour or two since I was last coherent. And I don't think its helps in the fact that I usually play laying down on my bed anyway cause our couch in our room is cluttered O.o.

So, this is just a note to express how sorry I am for falling asleep while on server, especially to D_Black and those who have late night RPed with me recently. Its not that your RP is boring :P I promise its just because I'm so tired that I don't even realize I fall asleep.

I will try to get better at not passing out and actually knowing when to stop gaming when I am too tired to keep my eyes open. And again I am sorry to those I have left hanging because of this. I will try not to, but if you are RPing with me and it is past 2 am EST...>.> good have been warned :P

Author:  Dusk-Strider [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Late Night Gaming

*ttly games with a caffeine source on hand at all times (though it sometimes doesn't seem to help >.>)*

Author:  StephenJamesJuice [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 7:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Late Night Gaming

Hehe i've done that a fair few times. If i ever want to catch people i have to subject myself to some late nights which result with me in my bed, dribbling on my keyboard with cigarette butts stuck to my face. GRIM

// Edit: Er when i wake up i mean, not in general... :)

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