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Amazing table-top moments
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Author:  prgreenhaw [ Thu Jul 01, 2010 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Amazing table-top moments

So... I wanted to start a new conversation about epic/funny moments in table-top gaming. I'll go first.

So, this happened last night, and it's both epic -and- funny. First, the party encounters three thugs in an alley harrassing a woman. I'm RPing as an insane Ranger, so without saying a word he quick-draws one of his sabres and -throws- it twenty feet. I roll a nat 20, confirm, I'm level 8, I have Favored Enemy (Human), which adds 4 to attack and damage... yeah, that guy was dead. Very, very dead... And the rogue in the party raises his hands and screams, "Whoa!!"

Later, we're at the woman's house, where it turns out she's a gypsy and is going to help us find someone. We're sitting at a table, she takes out a deck of cards, does some voodoo, and they start flying around really fast. My Ranger gets startled, so he once again -throws- his other sabre, killing her dead. The rogue again raises his hands and screams, "Whooaaa!!!", to which my Ranger replies, while wrenching his sabre out of the dead woman, "I'm already late for the ball!!" and runs out of the room.


Author:  RaginCajun [ Thu Jul 01, 2010 1:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Amazing table-top moments

Haha, I wish this had been started long ago.

A few months ago I was playing with some friends and we were in a city looking for clues about a man's identity, yada yada. We got this guy pinned down in an alley and we were trying to interrogate him, but it wasn't working. I was playing an angry barbarian, so in a fit of frustration, he decapitates the guy.
Then we lit his head on fire, threw it through the window of the bar that the guy came out of earlier, and burned the whole thing down. I rolled a natural 20 on aiming the head at the shelves of alcohol in the bar. And I doubt our party will ever go back to that city again.

Author:  Banana Pancakes [ Thu Jul 01, 2010 1:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Amazing table-top moments

Hey, Seril. Tell them about the whale bomb.

Author:  RaginCajun [ Thu Jul 01, 2010 1:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Amazing table-top moments

A long time ago, when my friends and I first started playing D&D, we were playing this beginner's campaign that stuck us in a cave full of goblins. I can't remember exactly who was in the party, but my buddy was playing a cleric. So we're standing in front of this mini-horde and he decides to summon a small whale above them, and says that it's full of magical acid so it will explode on all the goblins and kill them.
Haha, we were all laughing so much that the DM allowed it.

Author:  Reebober [ Thu Jul 01, 2010 5:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Amazing table-top moments

Note to self: Avoid alleys, and whales.

Author:  Zimarra [ Thu Jul 01, 2010 6:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Amazing table-top moments

So we are just minding our own business, going down the stairs with the invited 'party' members, when we encounter this:

Only 6 of these minis are PCs.
Took us over 2 1/2 hours for this APL +7 Encounter.
I got down to -7 myself :)


Sadly, this game is over. :(

Bigger picture here:

Author:  Tsunami [ Fri Jul 02, 2010 12:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Amazing table-top moments

What kind of system are y'all playing? I dearly hope you're not all playing D&D 4th Edition. :|

Author:  RaginCajun [ Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Amazing table-top moments

No way.
My group got all our books when 3.5 came out, and we don't plan on updating anytime soon.

Author:  Banana Pancakes [ Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Amazing table-top moments

3.5's the shite, for real. I don't like 4.0 at all.

Author:  Zimarra [ Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Amazing table-top moments

I admit, the previous game was v4.0. But I do like v3.5 better. I play where I can.. so yea.

Author:  prgreenhaw [ Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Amazing table-top moments

Actually, I started on 3.5, but the ongoing game I mentioned above is Pathfinder edition... basically 3.75, hahaha. And I like it a whooole lot more, it simplifies the skills and rolls a bit without making you feel like you're treated like a little kid (*cough*4.0*cough*). It also gives many classes (i.e. Ranger) a reason to play, balances them out much better. 3.5 is still great, but I've had a taste of Pathfinder now, and I like it so much more.

Author:  iSneak [ Fri Jul 02, 2010 12:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Amazing table-top moments

I remember playing a couple weeks ago with my buddy and his sisters. They played as triplets who tried to seduce every man alive. We were strolling through these tunnels and my Rogue noticed a trap. Well, having known that one of the girls had stolen from him previously before he told them that the treasure is just beyond this next turn, they should quickly go get it before anyone comes. Well they ran.. fell to their death, and then I pee'd in the hole saying "The raindrops keep falling on my head!"

Author:  RaginCajun [ Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Amazing table-top moments

Hahahaha, win!!

Author:  Tsunami [ Sat Jul 03, 2010 1:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Amazing table-top moments

Having been roleplaying for almost two decades, I suppose I have a few stories. Most of them are stories of player idiocy. I'll regale one of them.

Backstory: The party is down in a sewer area, looking for some MacGuffin or other. Note that there is serious division in the party. The wizard (let's call him Richie) and his half-orc buddy (Bob, for the purposes of this story) have pretty much decided to kill my dark elf rogue at the first possible moment. My dark elf rogue, being CE and intelligent, has realized he probably needs to do the same. Also, I'm "afk" in this scene, as I offered to drive one of the players home, as he got sick. The fourth character in the party (now called Andrew) is a halfling druid, I think. At the start of this scene, the party is basically about to swim right into a gelatinous cube.

GM: "You guys are trudging through sewage water. The smell is disgusting. However, after a bit, you suddenly notice the water is entirely clear, in an area twenty feet in front of you. Bob, you're first in the marching order. What do you do?"

Bob: "Uh... the water's entirely clear. Not disgusting at all."

GM: "Correct."

Bob: "Is Tsunami behind me?"

GM: "Uh... yes."

Bob: "Haha! I swim slowly, so he can't get into the clear water!"

GM: "... Andrew, make a wisdom check."

Andrew: "Oh, I got an 18. Plus 3, that's 21."

GM: "Good enough. Andrew, you realize that something's horribly, horribly wrong about this."

Andrew: *thinks for a moment* "Clear water? I bathe in it!"

GM: *headdesks, then proceeds to kill the entire party*

Author:  Skullcleaver [ Sat Jul 03, 2010 8:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Amazing table-top moments


I remember one spectacular moment when I was DMing for six players. At one point, there was this huge battle going on between a tribe of Goblins and Orcs. Now...the Orcs had the advantage overall, being physically stronger etc etc.

The Goblins, however, had managed to tame a bloody Wyvern. The party was sneaking through the forest, unaware of the fight. Then, when they came near the edge of the clearing where the fight was raging on, the Wyvern in the sky spotted one of them.
Unfortunately for the party, that turned out to be the ever-so-squishy Sorcerer of the group, Andreas. (I should note that the party was still at a low level at this point, so the Wyvern was a real threat).

The beast dives down and, despite a couple of arrows being shot at it, still manages to pluck the unfortunate spellcaster out of the treetops and turn around, flying into the midst of battle.

The creature then tried to fling Andreas against a dead tree somewhere in the middle of the chaos, but he was crafty enough to cast Featherfall on himself before he made contact. That still left him within the presence of a hundred or so savage, barbaric beings on either side. So the Paladin of the party, Elanor, decides to do the ballsy, knight-in-soon-to-be-dented armor thing and rushes into the thick of battle, hoping to save his comrade.

Most of the party followed suit while the cleric remained in the forest to support them once, or if, they make it back.

So I described the full scope of the mess they were in: Arrows flying this way and that, bodies piling up, metal flashing in the sun as they find their was mayhem. And it was glorious. I had these guys roll all kinds of stuff to keep going: Jump checks over fallen bodies, spot checks for incoming danger, reflex saves to dodge stray arrows and the like.

The players were on the tips of their seats, doing everything they could to clear a path towards their comrade. Finally, they make it to Andreas. Unfortunately, the Wyvern came flying in their direction after ripping a couple of Orcs apart. Now -this- is where it became a true "Run for your lives" moment. Everyone rushed out of the haphazard path they had cut through the battlefield, which was obviously being closed as readily as it was made.

Clanking in his heavy armor, Elanor was the slowest of them all....and the Wyvern saw an easy prey in him. When they neared the forest the monstrocity came close enough to take a bite at him. I roll the dice...and lo and behold, I roll just under his AC...literally missed it by one. So I describe him feeling the wind rush in his back as the Wyvern beats its wings, hot breath in his neck, a hissing sound in his ear. Only by jumping forward in the last second was he able to save himself and was pushed forward by the beast rather than being caught by its fangs.

The player, totally psyched, asked me if that made him go even a little bit faster. I smiled at his determination to make it back into the woods and told him it pushed him five feet forward.

In the end they managed to kill the thing, barely....but that was probably one of the more exciting moments for me as a DM and for them as players. They fought for their lives, saved their friend and even managed not to get eaten by a wannabe Dragon.

Pretty impressive stuff....they handled themselves well 8)

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