World of Harry Potter Forums

From some topic about roleplay and boredom in server....
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Author:  diabosatan [ Fri Jan 14, 2011 2:19 pm ]
Post subject:  From some topic about roleplay and boredom in server....


The topic was closed by the time I got to read it. I'd like to give my 2 knuts as game master and game developer.

Adventure and intrigue. Harry Potter is a fantasy environment where you can vouch for both. If I recall well there are several hidden and explicit plots running around that may be used to generate both. I mean, why hanging around the castle, drinking tea at the entrance hall, while Dumbledore was missing? You could start investigating the castle, or sneaking into Dumble's office during night to try to find a clue of where he would went. Interact with professors and staff members, Aberforth at the Hog's... I know we have "limited" exploring areas in the server, but, we have tons of plot, intrigue and creativity. That combined with a single PM to the Head GM or any other DM that loves you (like Calan loves me) and voila. Fun for all the family.

Now, while doing it, I'd suggest involving other players. We have limited DM's compared to other players, so if you intend on doing something, try gathering more people so that others may have fun also. Harry Potter himself had Ron and Hermy with him all the time to solve his $*&!. The Lone Wolf character is always a pain in the [censored] that usually ends up sitting alone and drinking his butterbeer by himself with nothing of interest with him. Make groups. Plot together. Party too. Seek new and awesome goals. That will be fun for you, for others, and for the DM Team. You can't imagine how good is when the storytelling becomes collaborative until you actually start doing it.


Author:  TheSilvernight [ Sun Jan 16, 2011 7:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: From some topic about roleplay and boredom in server....

Mhm, I agree with you on this. Many knew Hogwarts was going to hell while Dumbledore was missing, but it was all secret and not everyone is supposed to know things.
It was rather annoying, certainly for new players who try to get involved or try to rp. I have noticed this and it has pained me greatly to see just how pathetic it was to rp out of the "popular secret circle". While some were getting interessting rp between themselves in their own secret groups, others were making clothing and drinking tea...
I think the problem was, new characters suddenly appeared and the old characters had all these "secrets" and couldn't share info etc etc...
But we get a new start now so I guess we can try a different approche.
But really it depends on the characters. If indeed they are sneaky they will sneak around Hogwarts for info... and if they are just lonly then I guess not much will happen.
Character involvement gives more interessting rp and things to work with. :)

Author:  SleepingSun7 [ Sun Jan 16, 2011 2:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: From some topic about roleplay and boredom in server....

I agree with this...sort of! Just to throw it out there if only to enhance my point, most of the characters involved in the latest plot were told very specifically not to say a word about it. (I'm not at my point yet.)

Players can choose to go against what is asked of their characters and shout everything they know from the rooftop, sure, but I'd hope if they do that it's because that's what their character would do. Sharing 'top secret plot stuff' just to enhance RP and give the other people something to do is OOC. (That is my point.)

Beyond that, there are ways to find out information with your character on their own, without depending on others. Rowan is very much a 'lone ranger', and she was quite in tune with what was going on with the latest plot simply by being curious and a big snoop.

Play your character. If they're snitchy social sorts, play them as such. If they aren't, don't. If you want to get involved, find ways to get involved, just like diabosatan said in his original post.

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