World of Harry Potter Forums

There is a real Hogwarts.
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Author:  ChanceFerrin [ Thu Jul 03, 2014 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  There is a real Hogwarts.

haha so I stumbled upon this this other day which I found rather funny. For those of you in college, might have used Rate My Professor to look of teachers. One of my teachers I was going to sign up for is 'Potter'. To my suprise I found this on there and got a lot of amusement out of it: ... 9&pageNo=1

Author:  Jennie-Bear [ Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: There is a real Hogwarts.

ChanceFerrin wrote:
haha so I stumbled upon this this other day which I found rather funny. For those of you in college, might have used Rate My Professor to look of teachers. One of my teachers I was going to sign up for is 'Potter'. To my suprise I found this on there and got a lot of amusement out of it: ... 9&pageNo=1

This was an old post, but I had never seen it before... I use "ratemyprofessors" religiously, and have written up a few myself. Kind of like Yelp for college students. This was awesome! I can't wait to give Lockhart a chili pepper for hotness....

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