World of Harry Potter Forums

College Advice
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Author:  Madsqueaky [ Thu May 14, 2015 5:22 pm ]
Post subject:  College Advice

Hey, so, umm, I'm really sorry about not really ever playing any more. But I just wanted to say that I am currently a Junior in high school, and I was wondering that, since I'm going to be applying for colleges/universities in a few months, whether any of you lovely people have advice or tips or something. I'd really just appreciate any input, because I've kind of never really done this before. I'm thinking about going into natural sciences (specifically neuroscience or marine biology) or English or even Fine Arts. I'm also leaning more towards small liberal art colleges, but I'd like to know what everyone thinks and what helped everyone when deciding which places to cross off and which places to seriously consider. Thank you all so much!

Author:  Necromancer367 [ Thu May 14, 2015 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: College Advice


Author:  Insanity [ Sun May 17, 2015 6:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: College Advice

Marine biology is starting to sound like an interesting plan. I assume that's versatile enough to be useful in more than one area. Gotta be able to find a job after you're done, too!

Author:  D_Black [ Sun May 17, 2015 9:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: College Advice

Insanity wrote:
Marine biology is starting to sound like an interesting plan.

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