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 Post subject: Isabella Aislin
 Post Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 11:12 pm 
Forum Second Year
Forum Second Year
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Joined: Thu Jul 06, 2006 12:00 am
Posts: 38
Location: Oh wouldn't you like to know? Mister crazy STALKER...

“You see things; and you say, 'Why?'
But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'”
George Bernard Shaw

Name: Isabella Aislin
Nickname(s): Bella, Belle, Lin, Isa, Ash
Heritage: Muggle-born
Year: 1st year
House: Ravenclaw


Appearance: Ever changing; flowing into one color as another appears: Dark greens and blues with touches of golden light; her eyes would seem like the world itself, gazing through your soul. Her skin is a pale pink, sprinkled lightly with tiny freckles, barely noticeable until seen up close. Her hair seems a dark black, contrasting against the lightness of her skin; but when appeared in sunlight, the color would soften into a warmer shade of amber.

Clothing: She usually favors muggle clothing, as the clothing seems more comfortable and easier to move around in. Isabella is not one to flaunt her appearance, and would be rarely seen in anything feminine, such as dresses or form fitting skinny jeans and frilly-patterned blouses.

Glasses: When reading, she’ll be seen wearing rather large glasses, claiming that they help her concentrate; as reading seems to make her very “sleepy”.

Mannerisms: Isabella has a few odd corks about her. One of many would be her running late. She always is late to class or barely making it to her seat. She has no navigation skills what-so-ever (which would explain her running late) and spends most of her life sleeping in the most awkward of places (one time falling asleep -in- the fireplace—of course not lighted—but very dangerous, as her parents found her and sent her to the hospital from breathing in the ash, fumes, and such).

Interest(s): Seeming a natural-born in the art of divination. She collects tea leaves, and is almost always seen with a cup at hand. She has in interest in Tarot Cards, but has only been able to truly pursue that interest, since being at Hogwarts. She loves writing, yet isn’t too fond of reading. If she feels a little down, one might find her in the astronomy tower, merely noting the many stars and constellations.

Image Image

History: Being raised as a muggle and never knowing about the riches of magic; it is not odd for Isabella’s parents to not fully understand what she is. From a very young age, she was one to talk very loudly—saying whatever would come to the child’s, of 7 years, mind. But she soon she would start shouting odd things. Telling the neighbors that their cat would die, and simply three days later—the cat would be gone. It soon became more frequent, as her parents began to worry. And then finally, not understand the girl’s visions, would punish and forbid her for saying such things. Isabella soon learned to remain silent, she pushed back and ignored her dreams and visions—merely believing them to be “just another odd dream”… Although, when Hogwarts, sent their letter to Isabella; her parents feared for her. They believed the school was a madhouse or a facility where they would do horrible experiments and tests on their baby girl. After years of fighting and struggles with her parents, Isabella was finally able to enroll in Hogwarts…

Now her journey begins.

 Post subject: Re: Isabella Aislin
 Post Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 11:42 pm 
Forum Second Year
Forum Second Year
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Joined: Thu Jul 06, 2006 12:00 am
Posts: 38
Location: Oh wouldn't you like to know? Mister crazy STALKER...
//updated. added new pics and such.. will make a journal soon :)


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