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 Post subject: Necrolissica Crest
 Post Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:25 am 
Azkaban Dementor
Azkaban Dementor
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Necrolissica Crest


Photography by Michael Tarasov


For those who meet her
ImageNecrolissica Crest always introduces herself as Liss, hardly ever telling anyone her full name. Liss is somewhat tall, has medium length blond hair, is usually seen in her school robes unless she is leaving Hogwarts and will always wear something that has green as the dominant color. Liss speaks with a British accent with a hint of an Arabian accent.

Liss is nearly always in a bad mood. Unless her girlfriend is with her, then she is usually unbearably happy. She typically speaks in rather loud tones. When upset, it is clear that Liss is capable of extremely intense rage, but she is also able to control it. Usually.

Liss is usually seen in her school robes or wearing a specific white dress, and quite often wearing a cloak Imageand hood. Her hood rarely covers her face, but is typically simply draped over her head.

She commonly wears a magical strawberry perfume of her own creation. To the person who is smelling the perfume, it would always smell as if it were just the perfect amount of fragrance, not too much or too little.

Liss has a severe burn injury on the inside of her left forearm, and a small scar on her right neck/shoulder. Her school robes keep these covered but they might be noticeable in other clothing. In addition to her ears, Liss has her left eyebrow pierced three times with simple rings, her nose on the right side with a diamond stud, and her bellybutton with an ornate ruby decoration.

Liss' wand is ornately carved from holly, with a unicorn hair core, eleven and a quarter inches long. The separated spiral design of the wand, bleached white wood and gold leaf trim give the wand a very expensive, delicate appearance.


For those who know her
ImageLiss' birthday is FOIG.

Liss has a younger sister Kalara who also attends Hogwarts in Hufflepuff House.

Liss was once the Head Girl, but has resigned her position for reasons that she explains to those who ask.

Liss, for many months now, is never seen without wearing a choker. This would probably go unnoticed by most.

Liss is dating Angelique Danesque. Those who knew Liss well in the past would also know that Angel once topped Liss' "most hated" list. It is very easy for anyone to tell, for those who know her well and those who see the two together for only moments, that now Liss is fiercely in love with her.

Liss is required to meet with a Legilimens Healer at Mungo's every Monday. This would be quickly apparent to anyone who spends any significant amount of time with her. This is not something she hides, but will only explain the reason to those who ask. If she feels like answering.

Liss, while in the past very scholastic, since her release from Saint Mungos has been doing relatively poorly in classes. Her attendance is reasonable, but when in class she is very distracted and can't seem to concentrate or memorize hardly anything at all. When asked questions in class by Professors, it is often clear by her answers that she is guessing at what the question was in the first place. It is also clear that most professors are doing their best to assist her with the trouble she is having, and it is clear that Liss is finally seeming to put a serious effort in improving her concentration, even if not very successfully. Her grades have been improving as of late, apparently through simply great effort on her partImage.

Liss has become known for her fierce support of and loyalty to Professor Snape. Seen several times in recent months leaving the castle together or lurking about suspiciously during any of the Professor's amazingly rare "spare" time, many may speculate what the two are up to. But it is not unknown that upon their return to the castle, Liss rarely appears less than completely traumatized. Oddly, to many anyway, her loyalty only seems to increase. In fact, most of the school is aware of a rather tense moment in the Entrance Hall, Liss standing by Snape, her wand leveled at Professors Moody, Sprout and Flitwick, who dared to question the former Headmaster.




Image Image Image
When the World Ends (Oakenfold Remix)
by Dave Matthews Band

Hurt by NIN

Desire by Costanza (Tricky)
Liss and Angel:


I know good things
I know bad as well
Any witness to the world will tell
If there is sorrow
Then there is beauty and trust
A secret pearl inside the heart of us...

So truly, if there's light then I want to see it
Now that I know what I am living for
Truly, if there's joy then I want to feel it
Here in this world is where I want to be
'Cause I can't cry anymore

And there is magic now, under blood red trees,
All the sky will scream a mystery
And if we're strangers here
From the day we are born
Why be afraid of freedom if it is yours?

All the world is calling, calling out my name
All the world is saying it won't be the same
All the sky is showing how it's gonna be
But I'm scared and I'm tired of being like me...
Breathe Me lyrics



Last edited by Calan on Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:12 pm, edited 46 times in total.

 Post subject: Liss' Room
 Post Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 8:52 pm 
Azkaban Dementor
Azkaban Dementor
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Liss' Room

This post is devoted to what one might see if visiting Liss' room.

Liss' room has a few items of importance in various places throughout it:
A wood box, which is open for display, containing an empty bottle. This is located on her dresser.Image
A large Holy Bible on display on the table, oak covers, ornately carved. The Bible seems to be hand-written, and very old. The Bible is very often not located within the room.Image
A stuffed bear dressed like Indiana Jones, sitting on the dresser.Image
A black pearl which she keeps in a display stand on her desk.Image
A strange apparatus that may possibly be related to some sort of potions work.Image
A flower made purely of ice. It appears to be in a vase full of enchanted ice cubes rather than water.Image
An enchanted solid glass orb with the image of a dragon swimming through the glass.Image
An award for Special Services to the School, hanging on her wall.Image
A Silver Star awarded by the Ministry of Magic. While on display, it is not very prominant, sitting on a back corner of her desk.Image
A glass case, which anyone fiddling with would find magically sealed and protected. Within the case floats a wand, and not the wand she is seen using on a daily basis.Image

The following can also be found within the room:
-A small trophy that reads "Snowball Champion 2009"
-A glass cage containing a grass snake
-A yellow cat
-A glass cup, containing the shards of at least two snapped wands.
-A large mirror which may or may not be magical, but appears expensive
-A card, that when opened plays the following song:
-A card, that when opened plays the following song:

Last edited by Calan on Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 1:55 am 
Azkaban Dementor
Azkaban Dementor
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Joined: Thu Sep 06, 2007 12:00 am
Posts: 4579
Location: Sacramento, CA
Current relationship (Angel):


Previous relationship (FOIG):

Within Temptation - Memories

Previous relationship (Nina):

Dissolved Girl by

Chauffeur by Sleepthief
(Duran Duran cover)

Previous relationship (Terry):

After All by Delerium

 Post subject: Re: Necrolissica Crest
 Post Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:52 pm 
Azkaban Dementor
Azkaban Dementor
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In addition to her ears, Liss has her left eyebrow pierced three times with simple rings, her nose on the right side with a diamond stud, and her bellybutton with an ornate ruby decoration.


Liss Crest, Slytherin
Kalara Crest, Hufflepuff
Elizabeth Finley, The Moon

 Post subject: Re: Necrolissica Crest
 Post Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:01 pm 
Forum Seventh Year
Forum Seventh Year
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Location: Minot AFB, North Dakota
Fixed Portrait(s)

The Criminal - Sliver Vortec - Expelled
The Brain - Skylar Dune - Seventh Year
The Athlete - Lance Silverston - Seventh Year
The Basket Case - Drathil Vortec - Seventh Year

"Everybody prefers to see a nut - they're more fascinating." - Penn Jillette

Last edited by Necromancer367 on Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Multiple portraits needed fixing.

 Post subject: Giveaways for everyone - participate and win!
 Post Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 11:38 am 
Forum Second Year
Forum Second Year

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Gadgets, travel, experiences - win what you want!


 Post subject: Find Pretty Womans from your town for night - Verified Damse
 Post Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2024 1:56 pm 
Forum Second Year
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Find Prettys Girls from your town for night


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