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 Post subject: Emily Roberts
 Post Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 4:52 pm 
Forum Seventh Year
Forum Seventh Year
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Joined: Mon Oct 24, 2005 12:00 am
Posts: 427
Location: Commons
Full Name: Emily Sera Roberts
Nickname: Em
Blood: Half. (Muggle-born Wizard Father, Muggle Mother.)
Birth Date: July 18th.
Birthplace/Current Residence: Born in US while parents were on a long honeymoon. Traveled around as child (with father). Currently resides in London. (Well, Hogwarts, technically.)

Favorite 'Number': phi/Golden Ratio (1.618039887499...etc.)
Favorite Animal: Snidget.
Favorite School Subjects: Potions, Charms and Transfiguration.
Favorite Food/Drink: None in particular. Light foods and drinks.
Favorite Color: Silver.
Favorite Locations: Anywhere cold, Astronomy Balcony, Pool on Third Floor, Library, various places in the castle/on grounds.

-Reading. She loves reading and and has read most of the books required for the classes.
-Developed interest in the process of creation of wands. Em wishes to study more of this, perhaps making a profession out of it. (Hasn't looked into it for awhile.)
-Somewhat interested in healing, visits St. Mungo's occasionally (now rarely/never) to observe healers.
-DW Card game – collects them and plays in tournaments when possible. Recently started a Club.
-Dueling – she enjoys the fact that she is competent in a duel.

Physical Appearance: Emily is a brunette, with chest-length hair, usually combed neatly behind her ears. She has a cute, round face and blue eyes; she can be considered 'pretty' by usual standards. She is usually seen in a dress robe-type attire. - Em stands around 5'4”.
She walks with good balance and form.

Personality: At first glance, a calm, composed, quiet person. Emily helps those who want it/ask and is perfectly willing to answer most questions involving schoolwork and the like. She is an introvert and writes out her thoughts and feelings in her journal using her magical quill. Since she keeps most things to herself and doesn't react in any particular way, she may appear to be very apathetic.

However, that's not all. Emily prefers to be in control of her feelings/emotions, actions and words. She hates losing control of these things which is partially why she keeps a 'composed' facade. Her fear of loss of control may lead to a fear of death, since to her, death is the ultimate loss of control: You lose your senses, feelings, and the like. This need of control over herself and the extended amount of time only writing out her thoughts has led to a problem properly expressing her thoughts out loud to people (either that or she doesn't want to speak about things with person in question.)

Emily is also quite selfish at times. Her apathy leads to only thinking about herself at times and she ends up disregarding others' problems. She has recently taken this a step further with Drado, only speaking to him when she is in need of something (information, mostly). Emily subconsciously compensates for this side of her by giving away random, extra items she might have to people (and helping lower years out).

(I know I'm missing something here. So, I'll edit when I figure out what it is.)

If she is not in class:
-Seen in the Common Room, in her bed or on a couch.
-Seen in the Entrance Hall, humming while watching others or reading/writing.
-Seen in the library, reading or studying for a particular subject.
-Up in the Astronomy Tower.
-Or out walking.

Prized Possessions:
Emily possesses a small bag/pouch enchanted with the Undetectable Extension Charm, she has almost everything she owns in the bag and carries it with her.

A feather of a snidget and a quill/ink set, gifts from Willow. Emily only uses the quill and ink for letters.

A special wand, different from those used in school (NWN wand item). Possibly unique. - gift from Drado.

A quill, enchanted and given to Emily from her father. Simply flick at it with a wand allows the quill to write out her immediate thoughts (or something like that).

A watch, from her mother. A simple, bracelet-like ordinary muggle watch.

Her wand, for obvious reasons. It is only 6.25 inches.

- Humming: Emily hums very often, usually to herself. It is a somewhat subconscious act, sometimes she doesn't even realize that she is humming. She usually hums when she is relaxed, bored or both. The tunes she hums aren't recognizable, since they are totally random.
Her voice is very soft and melodic when she hums.
When she is uncomfortable or in another negative state of mind (Annoyed, angry, etc), she remains silent. (Unless she just has nothing to say.)

- Twirling her wand: Also done when bored or feeling relaxed. Or when feeling confident. When she is nervous, upset or uncomfortable, however, she holds it tight in her hand.

- When Emily wishes to sit in a place near a person, she tends to ask them before she does if she does not know them (well), or are not friendly or comfortable with them.

- Draught of Peace. Em has been addicted to Draughts of peace ever since she found herself not being able to sleep, due to nightmares or simple insomnia. She stopped drinking them every night, for awhile, after Priggo tossed away her supply to help her quit. She went back to it for awhile, when she was distressed. Drinking the Draughts is a sign that she is stressed in some way.

- She sometimes gives away objects (such as robes, cloaks, rings, etc.) that she has extras of to people she knows. This is caused by a subconscious desire to balance her selfishness in other areas by being generous to people. (Same goes for her helping students if they ask.)

Currently playing Caro.
"One who knows nothing of freedom has no reason to wish for it."

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