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Author:  Freydis_The_Valkyrie [ Fri Sep 07, 2007 1:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Terrance


Terry Elders was born into the American cult of Pure-Blood Ideologists known as The Brotherhood for Magical Purity. A fundamental religious group that mixes Leviticus, especially the prohibition against bestiality, pure-blood fanaticism. Their beliefs go like this: Muggles are beasts, wizards are the real humans in the world because they have the ability to work "miracles" like Jesus Christ. A muggle-born wizard gained their power from the Devil, and should be either stripped of their evil powers or put to death. A half-blood is an abomination, and that person and their family should be put to death for practicing bestiality.

Terry was separated from his parents at the age of six, and spent five grueling years in the cult's school, having the beliefs and doctrine drilled into his head. The teachers were very harsh, even sadistic, and loved correcting Terry's mistakes, real or imagined, with flogging. Terry bears the scars from this treatment to this day, extending from his shoulders to his calves and on the backs of his arms. He is very self-conscious about these scars, and does not show them to many people, unless he's trying to make a point.

Terry, when he turned eleven, was sent to Hogwarts to try and recruit others to the cause of the Brotherhood, but instead was freed of their influence by making new acquaintances, and exposure to new ideas. His horizons were expanded, and the teachings of the Brotherhood were contradicted to a point they became idiotic and wasteful in Terry's eyes. The fact that Hogwarts does not use flogging as an educational aid also helped Terry break his conditioning.
As time went on, he began to make new friends, and become acquainted with a wide variety of people, including Sierra Tillery, Reed R. Mathers, and Liss Crest. In fact, Liss has come to mean a great deal to Terry, and as he came to know her found himself falling in love with her. To his surprise and delight, she returned his affections and they agreed to marry once they graduated, and plan to build a house in Egypt. In addition, he has come to adore Kalara, Liss's little sister, semi-adopting her as a sibling, and including her in his plans for the future.

However, due to lack of thought on Terry's part, Liss ended up in an extended coma. Liss broke off the engagement, because Terry attempted to drown her, and himself. While, in the end, he took her to St. Mungo's to attempt to save her life, it was his initial actions that made the most impression upon Liss. He betrayed her, and her trust, when she was the most helpless, and that could not be forgiven.

Not even by Terry, himself.

He turned himself into the Aurors for his attempted murder, but Liss dropped the charges, in order to make Terry live with the error of his ways.

Terry is astonishingly short. Only about three or four feet in height, and slightly built. He goes around hooded, and in his Slytherin house robes, most of the time. This has caused him to be mistaken, much to Terry's amusement, for Priggo Seville on one occasion. However, due to Mister Seville's adverse reaction to being mistaken for Terry (he was not amused) he has changed his wardrobe to look as different from Priggo as possible.

He is very soft-spoken, and almost never raises his voice. Part of his conditioning he saw no reason to alter. He is also extremely formal, and polite, and has the tendency to put females upon pedestals, because it was from the women of the cult he ever received any form of kindness. He also refrains from any form of casual touching, being very unused to any from of physical affection. Merely being hugged sent him into a state of shock for about an hour. When he wants to touch anybody, however, he always asks permission, something many people find a bit odd.

He studies a wide variety of subjects, including picking up some of the books at Durmstrang, to expand his knowledge, and magical base. He's also studied some muggle tomes, discovering that some of their scientific methods could be applied to magic to make it more effective. So Terry is well-read in a variety of subjects, and very knowledgeable. Sometimes he will spout a random fact that he thinks is relevant, surprising the people with whom he is conversing. He's developed several hypotheses and are currently researching them to see if they can or can not be proven. Terry tends to consider all forms of magic a useful tool, and finds having the ability to use "the dark arts" against dark wizards the ultimate form of irony. He also hates any manner of emotional alteration potions or spells with a passion. Another one of his research projects is to either make Cheerio have a hangover effect or destroy the spell, all together.

Currently, Terry's whereabouts are unknown. He left Hogwarts two days after his release from Azkaban. He had been seen, however, entering Hogwarts, but was spotted by John Dranco after his return. Dranco convinced Terry to return to the hustle and bustle of Hogwarts life, drawing the attention of Liss.

Taking the high road, he decided to be happy for the woman who was once his love, especially once he heard that she had moved on.

Soon after his return, however, he ended up in a confrontation with Liss, Nina, and Drado Bolton. Bolton had, once, been a friend of Elders', but like much of the rest of the school turned against him, due to his actions.

Though Liss was attacking Terry to save him from Bolton's wrath, Terry ended up thinking about the situation, and decided to leave the school for good. It did not matter if this was the end they had in mind all along, if their confrontation had been discovered by a teacher, it would have ended with the expulsion of Liss, Drado, and possibly Nina. Elders feeling that he is not worth the possible ruination of four lives, decided to depart the school, for good.

Author:  Freydis_The_Valkyrie [ Wed Oct 10, 2007 4:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

Updated to reflect the changes he's gone through. Making new friends, his change in wardrobe, and his engagement to Liss

Author:  Freydis_The_Valkyrie [ Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:29 am ]
Post subject: 

Updated to show incarceration.

Author:  Freydis_The_Valkyrie [ Thu Apr 24, 2008 11:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Updated to show his break-up, and departure.

Author:  Freydis_The_Valkyrie [ Mon May 12, 2008 4:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Updated to show him returning.

Author:  Freydis_The_Valkyrie [ Fri May 23, 2008 4:27 pm ]
Post subject: 


Now with song.

Author:  Freydis_The_Valkyrie [ Sun May 25, 2008 1:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Last update.

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