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Sabastion Moss
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Author:  Blubie [ Mon Dec 03, 2007 5:27 am ]
Post subject:  Sabastion Moss


Name: Sabastion Asteri Moss. (Yes. His first name is spelled wrong.)

Age / Year: Twelve / Third Year - He was placed up a year, and is a year younger than others in his year.

Birthday: 1st of December.

Religion: Athiest/Agnostic.

House: Hufflepuff

Family Background: Half-Blood. His mother a Muggle, his father a Wizard.*

Herigate: English, from Tintinhull. (Yes, that's an actual place.)*

Favorite Subjects: History, Muggle-Studies.

Despised Subjects: Defense Against The Dark Arts, Charms.

Favorite Teacher: None.

Hated Teacher: None.

Dreams and Aspirations: Sabastion isn't one to plan for his future. He would greatly prefer to allow things to simply happen as they do. Regardless, he would certainly rather become something along the lines of an entertainer. Failing that, he would be content as a non-fiction auther, most likely one that works with histories, both Wizard and Muggle alike.

Physical Appearance: Sabastion looks to be at least a year younger than he is. Though not particularly short, his slightly upturned nose, undefined chin, as well as the youthful glint in his hazle eyes all pile upon eachother to give him the appearance of a nine or ten year old. He appears to have been letting his hair go, though; it's tangled into a typical 'boyish', messy style.
There are the tiniest spots of burns here and there over Sabastion's body, none of them anything larger than the top of his index finger. Most of them are easily missed at first, as well as scattered widely, and can only be seen when he's looked at closely. Something like the rather large scar on over his stomach; the result of a very deep, diagonal puncture.
There are almost always thick, black sags underneath his eyes; signs that he hasn't slept in quite a while. His skin has faded to a sickly pale.*

Personality: Mister Moss is inconsistant to the extreme. Always attempting to stand out as an individual - to the point where it often unintentionally ends with him being humiliated. So far, he hasn't quite found his nitche, and due to this he's constantly changing; be it his attitude or his appearance. However, one certain thing about Sabastion is that he almost always reverts to being meek, as well as almost silent when approached by older children.
Recently, Sabastion's been rather irritable. Likely due to either a lack of sleep, or a lack of patience. It isn't uncommon for him to raise his voice at times he usually wouldn't, or to throw in snyde remarks when he would commonly keep them to himself. To those who know him well enough, it would seem that he's trying to shoulder the burden of others, and is taking too much of a beating from it.

Musical Ability:
In a nut-shell, Sabastion is a rather impressive performer for a boy his age, having been learning since he was rather young. Able to play most songs of moderate difficulty without too much err on bass, guitar, as well as piano. Admittedly, piano is not his strongest instrument, the keys always seeming too wide-spread for him to play it to the same ability as the other instruments he dabbles in. Though he's used to his father's electric rythem guitar - an odd thing for a wizard to take interest in, yes - Sabastion has recently been trying to revert himself to what he sees as the primitive, acoustic guitar. Thus far, he's been rather successful with the somewhat chord-reliant instrument, though his love of single notes - something more or less enfused by the bass - seems to have yet to die. Though it isn't quite a strong factor, as the instruments are played in the same way, Sabastion despises single notes on the acoustic; they never quite feel powerful enough to him, thus he sees it as chord-reliant. Instrumental skills aside, Sabastion is also a very compotent vocalist. A charming voice coupled with someone who has attended some manner of singing classes in past.

Long walks on the beach.
Staying up rediculously late, without considering the next morning.
Sitting on roofs in silence.
Being the center of attention.
Muggle Music - Mainly softer genres.

Hot days.
School nights.
Being ignored.
'Chick flicks' - Expecially the painfully depressing ones.
Wizard-made music - "It's so fake, it's pathetic."

The elderly.
Wizard musicians.
Clowns named "Bobo."
Public humiliation.
Going to class naked.
Pop art / Pop culture.
Knives and blades similar to the ones Ray used to injure him
Riddle World
Large dogs*


Kim: The first girl I ever felt all funny for. And the first one that I kissed seriously. I guess I love her. I guess I always will. Or would, if she were about more often.

Karen: The second girl that I ever felt I love, and the first that kind've rejected me when I tried to kiss her. I like her accent; it's funny. But she's so immature at times, like a ten year old in a twelve year old's body. She makes me wonder if I'm growing up too fast...

Puppy (Karen's dog): "It must die a slow, painful death."

Roibo Lannald: My best friend, really. Which is sort've sad, considering he's a good few years older than me. He acts as though he doesn't care, and maybe he doesn't care, but he's always helped me. He makes me feel as though I owe him something, though, because of how much he helped myself and my family by giving me money.

Samantha Hathaway: She's nice, very nice. But she never seems to have much time for me, always bogged down with work. But it seems she can't keep promises, so I can't hold her too highly. She's still fun to be around, when she is around.

Rhea Maltrix: I don't know much about her, yet. She's sort've like Samantha, only with a bit more time.

Sliver Vortec: The perfect combination. A jerk to most, but sort've friendly towards me.

Vortec The Younger (Forgotten first name). "The Hugger": He's cool, I guess. He seems fond of sexual abuse, though, hugging everyone. Apparently, he can sing, and took up my offer for if I ever manage to pull a band together. And he has a monkey, meaning that he's instantly awesome.

Drado Bolton: He always did strike me as a total jerk. He's too quiet, too anti-social. You try to do something nice, and he turns around to bite your head off, then sends you away! He isn't worth the time, really. I'm not sure why, but I keep trying to get to know him better. I'm not sure if it's concern or pity, though. I suspect it's because he's a close friend of Iris.

Iris: Usually, she leaves my head throbbing in a way that makes thought almost impossible. She's a seven year old, she just looks eighteen. Alright, not really, but she acts it. I'll admit it; I almost hate her, I really do, simply because she's so immature. However, I keep finding myself being polite and kind as I can be towards her, something like I am with Bolton. Maybe it's time I reconsidered how I act towards these people?

Felien Siena: B****. In a word. Okay, she helps people when they ask, or when they need it. It appears that she expects that to instantly garantee people will like her, which is simply wrong in all manners; she does help others, yes, but she makes it seem like a great errand or burden. I'd sooner have something to do with her than I would bite out my own veins. That doesn't mean I shouldn't be polite, however.

Priggo Seville: Everything people have told me about him has either been a witty insult, or a dull one. People obviously don't like him for something, but I don't really know what. He is bloody rich, though; probably richer than Roi. His clothes probably cost more than my house. So, I'll either avoid him completely, or find a way to exploit that. From what I've been told, it isn't worth it to be nice to him; he'll just be a jerk either way.

Ray Tyln: I hope he rots in Azkaban for the rest of his life. What he was doing with a sword, or in a school, I'll never know. But sometimes, I still see him; in dark places, when I'm alone. It's still hard to sleep because of what he did, because I'm still afraid. But I haven't seen or heard from him in so long. I think that it's over. Maybe the Aurors caught him doing something?

Serin Tyln: No better than his brother.

Jack Amesworth: In all honesty, I don't like him all that much. Sure, he's polite, nice, kind, funny, witty, all that. But, well... I suppose I don't like him for any good reason at all. That doesn't mean I won't stop disliking him, though- There's a reason, I just haven't found it yet!

Callie Bradley: She took care of me for a few hours when I was hurt. I don't remember it; apparently, I was unconcious. But I owe her something for it. I'll admit that I'm not too fond of her, either; but it's more of an indifferent relationship, I think. She doesn't like me, I'm sure of it.

Creed Wyldhart: One of the few typical seventh years that I find I [b]do[/d] like. He seems to like everyone, and everyone seems to like him, so I'm probably just part of the mindless masses. However, he's just another member of a little student subgroup, that'll never truly accept someone who isn't part of his group. Just like Jack and Callie seem to be.

Ben Cordin: Oh my God. Hogwarts has actually elected a cool prefect. Ben's helped me with a few things before, but he's usually way too serious. He's unknowingly let me out past curfew a few times, which just makes him all the better. The one thing that I like most is that he's so fantastically easy to trick!

Necrolissica: I despise her. She is, put simply; a mean, bossy person that shouldn't have been given a scrap of authority. She's a typical Slytherin- Everyone knows that house doesn't embody ambition any more, it's simply how much of a jerk you can be.

Terry Elders: He went from being nice to me, to ignoring my existance, to hating me. What happened?

Michael: He's a total, complete nutter. I was his friend, in first year, and then he went hurting himself. And when he hurt himself, he ended up hurting me, too. I couldn't watch him do it any more, so I broke my attachments to him. Now he's just another face in the crowd; one that I don't want to have to deal with.

Steven: A total retard.

Gregory: A moron.

Author:  Blubie [ Sun Dec 16, 2007 7:44 am ]
Post subject: 


* = Recent additions.

Author:  Insanity [ Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:43 am ]
Post subject: 

You should write something about his recent Riddle World Trauma.. And how much he hates Roi for it.

Author:  Blubie [ Sun Dec 16, 2007 10:50 am ]
Post subject: 

Insanity wrote:
You should write something about his recent Riddle World Trauma.. And how much he hates Roi for it.

If I can be bothered, I'll write something in the roleplay forum-thingy. In any case, since I can't be bothered to write anything lengthy, I'll just add 'Riddle World' to the fears list.

Author:  Blubie [ Thu Dec 20, 2007 12:17 am ]
Post subject: 

Biography removed due to being shittily written.

Author:  Blubie [ Sat Jan 05, 2008 11:27 am ]
Post subject: 


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