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 Post subject: Alliester Black
 Post Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 11:57 am 
Forum Second Year
Forum Second Year
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Joined: Mon Dec 03, 2007 12:00 am
Posts: 38
Name: Alliester Demetriov Black

Appearance: Alliester is a rather handsome young man with long flowing white blonde hair and a charming smile that is when he issnt wearing his hood, He has a slightly muscular build and a single tattoo on his hand tha tattoo appears to be some ancient glyph.

Alliester arrived at hogwarts expecting to have to live in his older brother Ragnar's shadow.......Much to his surprise and dismay not many people like Ragnar,let alone know who he is, much of Alliesters time is spent in sollitude, he has no friends and doesnt need any he much prefers to be left alone.
Alliester has a calm demeanor and a very short temper but he will not fight openly he prefers to do it from the shadows and he rarely uses magic on others. he prefers the cold japanese steel as a weapon... Which is quite Ironic that his forefathers were what are now known as the barbarians or rather Vikings.
When provoked Alliester will usually take what is dished out with a smile then gather recruits and attack the poor hapless soul while they least expect it such as while they are on a date???
Alliesters main ambition in life is to push his magic to its limit and integrate it into his swordcraft.
Views on a few students:
Andrew Amaner : Alliester recently lost his wand for teaching him a lesson (though he probably didnt learn it so he and shan wasted their time)
John Dranco: The second coolest gryffindor he knows
Rayne sinclaire: Als girl what could be better? ;)
Xander Black:An occasional aquaintance
Ginnia Swift: A very odd slytherin in gryff clothing
Shan Mensbain: Als brother from another mother.
Rhea:likable girl
Sierra:A very sweet girl seems a bit down
Brennan : Hes a cool cat
Akemi: A nice girl though slightly odd in her ways
Nattalie Wilkin: Lets not go there :)
Chase: Was cool but is turning for the worst almost daily

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