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Author:  Diag [ Fri Feb 22, 2008 7:38 am ]
Post subject:  Theo.

Name: Theodore Ross
Age: Eleven.
House: Hufflepuff.
Gender: Male.

Appearance: A young student of Asian descent. Theodore is somewhat short and thin for his age, but seems healthy enough. His black hair is kept in that typical messy style that boys his age strive for. Underneath his eyes, deep rings are developing, showing that he has some difficulty sleeping. Despite whatever problem he has, he maintains an aloof smile.

Personality: Theodore is a fairly happy child. He seems to prefer to avoid his problems instead of facing them. As such, his pacifist nature is one of his biggest traits. He would rather watch something be done than partake in doing that same something. He is becoming slightly more irritable with his lack of rest, but he still tries his hardest to seem patient and polite. The fact that he's only an eleven year old child does shine through
blindingly at times, usually only in immature comments and beliefs.

Biography: Soon to come, stay tuned.

Academia: Soon to come, stay tuned.

Callie Bradley: He might describe Callie as his closest friend. That fact alone makes him somewhat sad at times, given that Callie is all the way up the other end of the years. If threatened, Theo would probably retreat and hide behind Callie instead of trying to hold his own.

Jack Amesworth: Jack is another of Theodore's close friends. Sadly, there is also a significant age gap between them. Although he would be far more embarrassed to do it around Jack, Jack is another person that Theo would hide behind.

Alexis Muune: Theodore doesn't quite detest her, but he's very far away from liking her. For him, she seems to suck the fun right out of something.

Iris Isaura: He's afraid of her, and believes all she desires is to torment first years. In his eyes, she's the typical school-yard bully.

Drado Bolton: His interest in Drado extends as far as the wings. He believes that Drado doesn't like him, so he doesn't try to associate with the Ravenclaw.

Kalara Crest: "Okay, I guess," "You are a conch shell..."

Madam Pomfrey: He doesn't believe she's very patient with some students, but he's happy enough that she seems kind to him. He wouldn't quite like her as a teacher.

Professor Flitwick: Theodore's favorite professor!

Insomnia. Theo has it. It's becoming a more sever case as time progresses.

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