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Verita 'V' Datten
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Author:  Verita_of_the_Stars [ Fri Aug 15, 2008 9:59 am ]
Post subject:  Verita 'V' Datten

Age: 17 1/2

Year: Seventh

House: Slytherin

Blood Status: Muggleborn (Hey, I think that it's possible!)

Likes: Cats, Slytherin, snakes, magic in general.

Dislikes: onions, people who discriminate against Slytherins, mushrooms (EVIL!!!)

Appearance: Image

Personality: She enjoys the beauty of nature, and also can be a meddler sometimes (FOIG). Always willing to help a younger year with something, she has a kind heart and rarely would do something to harm another person. Now that some of her family members have died, her mood is somewhat a bit sadder, although her happiness still bounds.

History: When she first came to Hogwarts, she was lost in the Entrance Hall, shy and small. Warming up, she began exploring Hogwarts, finding secret passages or odd, punching tapestries. Having friends in all four houses, she has seen all four commons as a result of sneaking in at night. One such incident nearly caused the expulsion of Tammy Gin, and Verita decided to stay out of trouble for awhile. On the subject of her best friend, she was also the one who helped Serin Tyln and Tammy Gin get together, with a mere fateful push. She also has found odd things, particularly two poison dripping daggers(Basilisk fangs OOCly) buried in the snow at Durmastrang. After asking Serin about what happened to her best friend Tammy Gin, Verita is still happy, but misses her best friend. She wonders why T left, and wants to have more escapades with her best friend. She has recently joined the club LEOS and is vice president. And one of her favorite things to recall is when she narrowly won a duel against Drathil Vortec and got to kick him straight in the nuts. She did it hard, and it was the best thing ever watching him drop to the ground in pain. But, hey, a deal's a deal. After Marta Chesfer resigned for personal reasons, V is now President of LEOS. After more joking around, and seriousing around, and now misunderstandings, she thought she was Chance Ferrin's girlfriend, but she wasn't. He simply played along, thinking it was still a joke, even though girls don't joke about this kind of thing.

Clubs: LEOS(Lean Entirely on Seril)/President/ Head of the poster making commitee

First Experience with magic: She was on a hunt for butterflies, when suddenly, a very rare butterfly was resting on a nearby thistle, Her attempt to pluck it off failed, and she got angry and the butterfly froze in place. She had gasped, before tenatively touching the butterfly, then putting it in her net. The butterfly now rests in her collection.

What V thinks of Some People:

Tammy: Best friends for life! Why did she leave though?

Serin: Other best friend for life! If only T were here, we'd have a slumber party!

Syrra: Third best friend for life!

Drogo: What? No, I wasn't sleeping in the Gryffindor commons again, honest!

Marta: Just met recently, but she's awesome, what with the wedding-divorce.

Daisuke: From what I remember, he's mean, but I never really saw him around recently, so my anger has long evaporated.

Emily: Fun person, if not weird. It's kinda fun explaining Muggle things to her, especially when she goes on and on about that time we watched '300' at my aunt's house.

Seril: Entirely leanable.

Drathil: I'll kick you in the nuts again if I win next time

Chance: -sigh- Girls don't joke around with those things!

Author:  Verita_of_the_Stars [ Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Added new bit to personality and added first experience with magic.

Author:  Verita_of_the_Stars [ Sat Feb 14, 2009 3:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Verita 'V' Datten

Replaced description with picture(Made it meself! ^_^), updated history to include where she got her daggers.

Author:  Verita_of_the_Stars [ Mon Feb 16, 2009 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Verita 'V' Datten

Added reaction to T's leaving, after finding out from S what happened to her.

Author:  Verita_of_the_Stars [ Sun Feb 22, 2009 7:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Verita 'V' Datten

Added what she thinks on who

Author:  Verita_of_the_Stars [ Mon Feb 23, 2009 5:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Verita 'V' Datten

Added some LEOS details

Author:  Verita_of_the_Stars [ Wed Feb 25, 2009 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Verita 'V' Datten

Added a new history update after getting a free kick to the balls for Drathil after aduel. Boy was it fun to watch him say 'Rematch' while he was lyin there.

Author:  Verita_of_the_Stars [ Tue Mar 03, 2009 5:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Verita 'V' Datten

Updated position in LEOS

Author:  Verita_of_the_Stars [ Tue Mar 24, 2009 4:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Verita 'V' Datten

Updated a lil' bit. V is now Chance Ferrin's girlfriend.

Author:  Verita_of_the_Stars [ Sat Apr 04, 2009 10:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Verita 'V' Datten

Updated again. The breakup actually occurred cause the player behind Chance Ferrin has to leave for a year. Good luck!

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