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 Post subject: Blake (Thunderstrike!) Thunnigan
 Post Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:08 pm 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year
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Joined: Mon Sep 01, 2008 12:00 am
Posts: 18
"Better safe than.. punching a 5th year!"

"Blake! Out of bed, your tickets to Hogwart are on the table
by the entrance door, I -do NOT- want you to be late!"

Shouts can be heard echoing through the staircases. Blake
grunts, groans, twists and mutters before he sits on the side
of his bed, rubbing the sleep away from his eyes. Plopping
onto the ground barefoot, he's quick to slide into a pair of
socks to save his toes from the frigidly cold marble floor.

"Blake William Thunnigan, down here -RIGHT- now young

Grunting lightly, he strolls down the stairs with a disoriented,
half-shut gaze. "It's Blake THUNDERSTRIKE, mom..!" He
pouts somewhat childishly. He might be 11, but being overly
protected by his mother hasn't helped him mature.

"No Blake, you're Blake William Thunnigan, honor the
name of your family and quit living in a fairy tale."

Blake glared at his mother with a bothered, morning scowl.
"Fairy tale?! You're the one sending me to a stupid school
of stupid wizards for stupid kids. I just wanted to go to
Honnigtam, but nooo, stupid owl sending stupid letters
through our stupid mailbox, stupid thing."
He grumbles,
obviously displeased by the upcoming voyage.

Not much is known about Blake, no, not because I'm too lazy
to write his background story, but because he's -really- quiet
sometimes. Surprisingly, he can be playful and rather joyous
at other times, as long as no one harms Thinnae, his kitten.

Like any chap his age, he has an ease at befriending other
boys and girls his own age rather than older teens who he
can often find intimidating. Easily influenced, fleeceable
Blake can easily be manipulated into pretty much anything,
from pranking teachers to amuse the older students, to
believing a secret brick in the whole castle will reveal
many treasures if bashed on hard enough with one's head.
He's not stupid, he's just 11.

Having arrived to the school, Blake was rather warmly
welcomed, although he didn't show a particular interest,
mainly due to the fact he'd rather have went to Honnigtam
where all his schoolmates were. Quickly sorted into Slytherin
due to his -although particular- extravagant charm and wit.


In brief:
Name: Blake (Thunderstrike!) Thunnigan
Sex: Male
Age: 11
House: Slytherin
Appearance: Standing at about 4 feet tall, Blake has dark blonde, tall and messy hair that broods above his identically coloured eyes. His skin is smooth and facial features warm.


Feel free to post/comment. I'll be updating the main post as he grows in years and experience.


2.09.2008: Bio posted.
3.09.2008: Fixed height; at 11, he's around 4 feet tall, not 5. :oops:[/i]

N.B.: The artwork that will be depicted in this biography have all been drawn by Treijim. His gallery can be found at http://treijim.penscribbles.com/

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