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 Post subject: Mist Griffon
 Post Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 4:42 pm 
Forum Third Year
Forum Third Year
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Joined: Thu Feb 19, 2009 8:51 am
Posts: 76
Location: Inside your head
Mist Griffon



First name: Mist (not Misty, she hates being called that)
Last name: Griffon
House: Hufflepuff
Age: Varies by year
Height: 4'11
Weight: 90 lbs
Hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: Brown
Blood status: Muggleborn
Nationality: Irish
Her Story

Mist was born to Muggle parents in the village of Dundrum, in Tipperary County in Ireland. She had a very normal childhood, thanks to the very small size of the village. She did develop a fascination with trains, however, thanks to the railroad that passed through the village.

Mist attended Muggle school until she turned eleven. During that summer, she received her letter. At first, she and her family treated it as a joke, since the boys of the village were very fond of practical jokes, and the letter seemed like something they would do. That changed, however, when a new letter showed up every day. Eventually, the family opened one and learned of Mist's gift. Being the inquisitive and hard-headed girl that she is, Mist finally convined her parents to let her go. And so it began...

Mist is (as Ares Richard Keeferson can attest) incredibly stubborn and hard-headed, but also very focused. She's also very inquisitive, which can, at times, be incredibly annoying, as she's prone to incessantly asking questions in her search for a specific answer. Because of this, she's very good at school (except at what she considers psuedo-classes; ie. Divination). However, unfortunately, she can come off as very abraisive, especially if she's bothered while working on something.


Mist's Song: Rise Again - The Rankin Family

Marta Chesfer, 7th Year Ravenclaw
Mist Griffon, 4th Year Hufflepuff

No Pikachus were harmed in the making of my avatar
The concept of chicken seniority hurts my brain.
"When you have one foot in your past, and one in your future, you wind up peeing all over your present." -Ann Magnuson

 Post subject: Re: Mist Griffon
 Post Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 9:04 am 
Forum Third Year
Forum Third Year
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Joined: Thu Feb 19, 2009 8:51 am
Posts: 76
Location: Inside your head
All (probably) sections added, but still not done yet. Aesthetic changes, too.

Marta Chesfer, 7th Year Ravenclaw
Mist Griffon, 4th Year Hufflepuff

No Pikachus were harmed in the making of my avatar
The concept of chicken seniority hurts my brain.
"When you have one foot in your past, and one in your future, you wind up peeing all over your present." -Ann Magnuson

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