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 Post subject: Theodore Tanner
 Post Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 12:15 am 
Forum Seventh Year
Forum Seventh Year
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Joined: Wed Jul 11, 2007 12:00 am
Posts: 555
Location: Hiding under the desk.... (in Canada)
Full name: Theodore Simon Tanner
Nicknames: Theo, Teddy
House: Ravenclaw

Physical Appearance: Theo is a slightly awkward, rather overweight young boy in his second year at Hogwarts. Shaggy reddish-brown hair is almost always falling into his eyes and he tends to trip a little over his class robes when he wears them - which seems to be quite often as they seem to be rather slimming. The only time he seems to move fast is when he's running away after taking a picture.

Personality: A bit shy around the older kids, Theo's always willing to talk to the ones his own age. Recently he's stopped introducing himself as "Teddy" and has switched to Theo, thinking that it's more intellectual-sounding and Ravenclaw-appropriate.

Interests: Drawing, computers, electronics, anything mechanical (Until Theo recieved his owl, he was completely prepared to go into engineering as a career). He is also quite good at taking photographs with a digital camera and is just getting used to using a more antique version that will actually work on school grounds.

School : Theo's finding this whole magic thing difficult and is trying hard to live up to the Ravenclaw reputation - so far, it's not going well. He can't wait to get to take some of the third year subjects though.

Favourite subjects - Astronomy (sort of like Muggle school), Potions (forumulas - easy)
Worst subjects - Potions (dealing with Snape - not so easy), Flying
Favourite Muggle subjects - Science, math

Friends and other people:
Jennifer Hathaway - Jennifer's one of the few people Theo has gotten to know so far and one of the few to call him Teddy. She also gave him the camera he is currently learning to use and has recruited him to work on her paper.
Feargus MacDale - Theo is slowly coming to talk more to Feargus, though he's still rather shy around him. Feargus has also offered to help Theo learn to fly - an offer that Theo is unlikely to take up until he has to, but is very appreciative of.
Tyson Swift - While not exactly a friend yet, Tyson did manage to get Theo onto a broom for the first time.
Nikolai Faust - Theo and Nik's first meeting was when Ty and Nik were discussing the girls attending Hogwarts to decide if there were any Nik had an interest in. Enough said.

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