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 Post subject: Brian Nemthias
 Post Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:57 am 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year

Joined: Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:35 am
Posts: 6
((Please note before reading, I welcome any comments about my profile, however; i ask that you Private Message them to me so the post doesn't get cluttered. If you have an idea for a photo to use for him or music for him it's also welcomed; as presently I am quite clueless about what to use for both.))

(This is a first draft, i will often be coming back to update it, and correct errors within it)

Name: Brian Nemthias
Age: 13
House: Hufflepuff
Nationality: Irish
Blood Status: Muggle-Born

DoB: June 14th
Weight: 135lbs , 61.2 kilograms
Height: 5'10, 178 cm
Hair Color: Auburn. Depending on the light in the room his hair can look brown, to red. When asked he simply says his hair is red.
Eye Color: Green
Skin Tone: Pale

William "Bill" Nemthias (Father/Deceased)
Joanna Nemthias (Mother/ Deceased)
Shaun Nemthias (Adopted Brother/ Deceased)
Kevin Nemthias (Adopted Brother/ Living)

Hobbies: Brian has a very vivid imagination, as such he's often sketching in a little sketchbook he keeps with him constantly. Prior to coming to Hogwarts he was also an avid video game player. Beyond that Brian shows some interests in writing, and since coming to Hogwarts he often is seen doing research on DADA. He's also taken somewhat of an interest in Aurors, specifically Professor Alistor Moody.


Brian hails from somewhat of a broken home prior to coming to Hogwarts. Although he generally doesn't openly talk about it, it is quite obvious that the situation has deeply effected him.

Brian conception was more or less a surprise to both of his parents. Both of Brian's parents at the time were in their forties, had tried for many years to carry a child to full term only to have miscarriage after miscarriage. The couple eventually settled down and adopted two boys, Kevin, the Eldest, and Shaun who would eventually become the middle brother. Brian's birth was welcomed and everyone within the family embraced him and refered to him as a "Little Miracle", considering the couples past experiences with trying to have children.

Brian's early years were much like any other small child, his mother and father took good care of him, while running their own buisness. His brothers much the same, loved and cared for him with the occasional teasing here and there; all was well till about three weeks before Brian's Fourth birthday. This is when Brian first heard the term Cancer, and his life would start to change rather drastically.

Brian's mother had Breast cancer; and it was rather developed. When she initially found out the doctors said she would have only a few weeks to live...and true to their word Brian's mother died about a month after his fourth birthday. Things started to change within the household after her death. especially with Brian's father William.

William prior to his wife's death was a rather jovile fellow, ran a well established pub, and was well liked by the community. As a retired police officer, he showed a lot of discipline in his life, was never much of a smoker, or drinker. Never would raise his voice to his children and ran a well disciplined household. This however changed suddenly. Without his wife William felt as if he couldn't continue without her. He began to drink and smoke heavily, and often locked himself into his room, leaving the boys to run the pub to the best of their abilities.

This went on for quite some time, eventually Kevin left after a lengthy and loud fight with William, and wouldn't be seen until much later in Brian's life. With Kevin's departure when Brian was Five years old, Shaun took up the responsibility of trying to care of the family buisness as well as Brian, and his father. The stress from this lead Shaun to start taking recreational drugs as a sort of crutch to get through the day.

With Kevin's Departure, and Shaun's plummet into eventual Drug Abuse, Brian was basically left alone with a Drunk William most of the time. Not understanding why his Father was acting that way often led to William beat Brian so that Brian would leave him alone. Brian to this day never really understood why his father was so violent with him, and often blames himself for causing it to happen.

When Brian turned nine, another life changing event came along; Both Shaun and William died in a car accident. After that, much of what went on was a blur to Brian, no uncles or aunts to go too. His grandparents were dead, and basically no one wanted him. It came to his surprise when his eldest brother arrived to pick him up one day. A slight feeling of happiness would wash over him that day, only to be crushed out later.

Life at his brothers was, rather lonely. His brother was a workaholic and often wouldn't be home. His brother would leave him money to go out and buy himself food, and occasionally some extra on the side to go buy himself clothing. The two rarely talked, and Brian eventually got the impression his brother didn't want him there. When the letter from Hogwarts came, initially Kevin didn't want to let Brian go, however; after finding out that Brian would be living there...his brother was quick to push him out.

Thus began his life at Hogwarts...

(I do plan on going back and fixing a lot of this, but once again, this is a first draft)


Personality wise Brian is rather open and opinionated. He doesn't mind speaking his mind, even if it gets him into trouble. (Which it often does). Due to this fact Brian is often bullied by people. In the past Brian would often run away from such situations and seek out help. As he's gotten older though, and has learned more ways to properly defend himself, he's become a bit more reckless and tends to try to take things on by himself. Stubbornness and Recklessness are two words that can be used to describe Brian.


Brian really doesn't have many friends; he's often sitting alone in the entrance Hall Sketching. He more or less talks to everyone but...truly doesn't have any real close friends.

Brian Nemthias- Third Year Hufflepuff

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