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Adrianna Hallowfast
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Author:  Austin_Frothingslosh [ Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Adrianna Hallowfast

Full Name: Adrianna Hallowfast
Nickname: Ri
Age: varies on year
Height: 5’6 when fully grown

Family: Camden Hallowfast (father), Tricia Hallowfast (mother), Cecil Hallowfast (brother), all family members graduated from Hogwarts and were in the Ravenclaw house

Heritage: Pureblood
House: Hufflepuff

Favorite Class: Divination
Least Favorite Class: Transfiguration
Favorite Professor: Professor Trelawney

Appearance: Ri is a smallish girl who constantly looks out of place. She has dark brown eyes and light brown hair. She has a small scar on her left cheek from where her brother Cecil hit her with a spell when they were growing up. Ri would be considered lean and athletically built. However with very little coordination sports would be problematic. Also no matter how hard she tries, she always seems to have one long hair falling across her face with the rest of her hair usually pulled up. As for fashion, Ri wears typical muggle looking clothes between classes where she is in her robes. Fashion is not a large part of her life.

Personality: Ri is very quiet and suffers from low self esteem. This would be due to her antagonizing brother, Cecil. Cecil kept calling Ri a squib during her early years, because she was seemingly unable to do the simplest magic. She is curious and has a great passion to learn dispite the mental abuse her brother did to her. She often acts surprized to be in Hogwarts at all. But she is always up for giving everything she does her best shot. Ri can be also be quite passionate about issues she deems important and could be said to become very fiery.

Background: Magic never came easy to Ri. Her older brother Cecil was always putting her down when her parents weren't looking and they only believed Cecil when Ri came to them about the taunting. Decended from a long line of seers, the first magical thing Ri did was make a prediction about her cosuin, Drake. She envisioned he would be injured during a camping trip and asked him not to go. With divination a serious matter in her family, he skipped the trip and was spared when a tree fell on what would have been his tent. Soon after her brother was teasing her calling her vision a lucky guess when Ri got angry and accidently set the table behind him on fire. This made Cecil keep his distance from Ri from then until she went off to school. She has to her surprise found acceptance at school and is puzzled at why everyone is being so nice to her. She hopes deep down it is not a trick.

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