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 Post subject: Jeff Miller
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 12:29 pm 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year

Joined: Fri Jun 16, 2006 12:00 am
Posts: 15
Location: Paso Robles, California, USA.
Jeffrey "Jeff" Thomas Miller
Gender Male Hair colour Dirty-Blond
Eye colour Brown
House Gryffindor
Parentage Pure-blood

Personality: Jeffrey "Jeff" Thomas Miller (born February 24) is a quite, easy-going person. When he leaves Hogwarts, he wants to be an Auror, much like his father. He also as exeptional healing skills he takes after his mother, who works at St. Mungos. Like most other people, he has his limits. When he has a conflict, although a fair wizard, he's more likely to finish it with his fists rather then with his wand. He plays Seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team and demands perfection when playing Quidditch (or anything else that is a phyisical competition realy). His friends include Dante Lightfoot, Tomar Webber, Lidi Black, Reasus Taxar, Lilly May, Cindy Clancy, Cookie Rachel, Toman Addams, and Mastian Lyonson.

Appearance: Jeff is a tall, muscle bulging person with hair that goes down to his shoulders and wears John Lennon glasses

Other: Although being a wizard, Jeff has a taste for muggle music. He likes muggle bands such as The Beatles, The Who, Pink Floyd, AC/DC, Aerosmith, and The Doors. He loves Quidditch, but isn't so crazy for cards.

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