World of Harry Potter Forums

Janie Starlight
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Author:  Janie [ Wed Apr 08, 2009 1:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Janie Starlight

Name: Janie Starlight
Age: Depends on her year :P
Birthday: September 12h
House: Ravenclaw
Blood: Pure
Color: Light Blonde with one natural birthmark streak of dark brown in her bangs
Style: Pulled back into a waist long pony tail with bangs covering half of her face.
Eyes: Hazel

Height: 1.7 meters (avg over the years)
Weight: 45kgs (avg over the years)
Physical Build: Tends to wear baggy close hiding her frame. Her light weigh suggests thin

Favorited Magic: She likes to play with light and darkness
Personality: She is friendly and excited about learning about whatever she can about how things work. The classes she dislikes is mostly do to the physical harm that accompanies them. Refuses to talk about her father and seems to be bitter at the thought of relationships.
Dream Job: Detective

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