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 Post subject: Marc Hagen
 Post Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 3:57 pm 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year

Joined: Fri Jun 23, 2006 12:00 am
Posts: 1
Location: Starving in the hottest state ever...
Marc Hagen

Full Name- Marcus Pyr Hagen

Hair- Neck Length / Black

Eye Color- Deep Green

Age- 15

Year- 6th

House- Slytherin

Status- On Vacation

Friends- Doesnt know who likes him and who is acting, but his current are Ross-Alan, Veric, Chance, Adam, Elanore, and a few others from different houses. He just believes everyone else just tolerates him.

Family- Father (John Hagen), Mother (Nicole Hagen)
His Father was killed when he was at the age of 2 by an Auror, his mother raised him till he was 10 before she was hauled off to Azkaban.
During this period he has always been taught to hate muggles and half-bloods (Mud-bloods is how he was taught to call them). His parents were truely evil people and enjoyed attacking Muggles, Muggle-Lovers, and Half-Bloods.
From there he was taken in by his Grandmother. There, he learned that muggles arent bad people and half-bloods could be stronger than he was. He was taught that Half-Bloods could be truly valuable allies and to not judge them on bloodline.
Then his Grandmother passed away when he turned 13 and he is currently raising himself.
He realizes that the only reason he still has money is because his family had a self sufficient business but it is slowly decaying, so he knows he has to leave hogwarts soon and get a job.

Anger Management- There are a couple things that really make Marc angry.
1) When you talk about his family.
2) When you mess with his friends.
3) When you insult him personally.
4) Rich kids who stick their noses where they dont belong, and think they are better than everyone else.

Interests- His particular interests are; practicing with his Wand, Playing Quidditch, and just hanging out.

General Info- Marc isnt inherently evil. He really only attacks people who have insulted him or his friends. Otherwise he helps people get through their first year, shows new kids around, helps people get to their classes. He is willing to fight the older kids if they start picking on his younger friends. And believe you me, he is not afraid to attack them either even if it means getting sent to the hospital.

I Hate You- Marc has a few people he hates. The one he hates most of all is Crudlash Crawlings. The reason is because Crudlash has attacked his friend Ross-Alan, has insulted his intelligence, called his family poor and made fun of them, and most recently, attacked him on the Quidditch Pitch.
Marc will only refer to Crudlash as "Crawlings" and will laugh at any insult thrown at him.

Marc also enjoys making first years afraid of him. Although later they recognize him as a useful friend/or a horrible enemy, he enjoys infusing horror into their minds. That is if they dont want to become Slytherin.

(Will Edit if I think up anything more)

Marc Hagen

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