World of Harry Potter Forums

Lilly May
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Author:  Lilly [ Tue Jun 27, 2006 10:07 am ]
Post subject:  Lilly May

appearance: blonde hair, little longer than shoulder length and kinda curly, bluish-greenish eyes, hight varies with age.

Age: 17 ( 6th year)

birthday: January 27th

Friends: Cookie Rachel, Reasus Taxar ( also Lilly's boyfriend) Tomar Webber, Toman Addams, Dante Lightfoot, Mastian Lyonson, Cindy Clancy, Elrien, Senna Evra, Sunna Siger, Jeff Miller ( and many others but it'd take too long to type)

Her mother is a witch, her father is a muggle. Lilly doesnt often talk about her family, though it doesnt particularly bother her. Her father left her mother the day Lilly was born, because her mother, for some unknown reason, waited until that day to tell her father she was a witch.

Relationship status: Lilly's bf is Reasus Taxar, so everyone else NO TOUCHY! :P

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