World of Harry Potter Forums

Vanna Villanueva
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Author:  Pwncess [ Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Vanna Villanueva


Appearance: Vanna has black hair, and silvery blue eyes, that tint yellow. She often wears a silver cross charm around her neck and silver hoop earings. She also has a tattoo on her shoulder blade,(See below), and her nose, belly button and lip pierced.

Background: Vanna grew up in New Mexico, with parents who didn't care much for her until she was old enough to go to Hogwarts. She dislikes muggles and all those who like them because as a child she was picked on often for her changing eye color and lack of parental support. This has caused her to become bitter and hateful towards most everyone.



First: Completed
Second: Completed
Third: Completed
Fourth: Completed


Theme Songs:
Not Enough by Our Lady Peace

Look At Me Now by Jessy

Creeping In My Soul by Christine Lorentzen

Favorite Songs:
Never Alone by Barlow Girl

So Many People by Neurosonic

The Kill by 30 Seconds to Mars


Alexander Hunter- First friend, and first crush. </3. She hurts inside for hurting him, but knows it's for the best. (Best Friend)
I'm Sorry by Buckcherry

Viscanti Verrdan - Currently dating. She loves him a lot. (Boyfriend)
Do It For Me Now by Angels and Airwaves

Comatose by Skillet

Allanon Majere - It's a bittersweet friendship. (Friend/Enemy)

Author:  Pwncess [ Tue Jun 09, 2009 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Vanna Villanueva

Switched some pics. Added some songs. Relationships added. Etc. Etc. Basically I redid the entire thing :]

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