Name: Anaria Hendal
Age: 14
Hair: White
Eyes: Dark Brown
Year: 3rd
House: Hufflepuff
Friends: None.
Interests: Anything that sounds like fun to her.
Recent Achievements: "Borrowed" notes from her Nephew Amir Gend.
Personality: Kind always looking for something fun to do, and a bit impish.
She loves to break rules and get away with it. Tough she dislikes to do anything that harms someone.
Family: She lost her Mother when she was still a child, she lives together with her father in Scotland. She lost her fathers side grandmother grandfather Aunt and Uncle a few years ago, Her fathers side Nephew, Amir Gend, Lived with them for a few years untill he decided to live alone.
Anaria grew up in scotland, and wasn't surprised to hear she was a witch, after hearing that amir was a wizard her father couldn't deny that he was a wizard aswell. Amir lived alone and went to hogwarts at the same time making him stay at hogwarts most of the time. Anaria recieved the letter aswell a few years later and is now a 3rd year on hogwarts.
Father: Jeff Hendal, Living with her in Scotland.
Nephew: Amir Gend, Living in London, and studieing at Hogwarts