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 Post subject: Kadaja Harpenger
 Post Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 4:44 pm 
Forum Sixth Year
Forum Sixth Year
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Joined: Sun Sep 07, 2008 12:00 am
Posts: 274
Location: My computer's D drive


Kadaja Jade Harpenger



Name: Kadaja Jade Harpenger
House: Slytherin (Prefect)
Year: Seventh
Age: 18
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 98 lbs
Nicknames: Kaydie, K, Kad, Kaddy
Favorite Class: Potions and Astronomy
Languages: English, Japanese

Potions: O (NEWT)
Transfiguation: O (NEWT)
Astronomy: O (NEWT)
Charms: E
Muggle Studies: A
Arithmany: A

Wand: Cherry Wood Phoenix Feather




Standing at a petite five foot two, Kaddy is just strong enough to ruin your day if she needs to. Her bright cherry red hair is one of the first things people notice about her, as well as her emerald green eyes. She's very often seen wearing mostly black clothing with a secondary color of dark green. Her skin is a light shade of peach, and is decorated with a few tattoos and piercings:

~An "S" on her outer right ankle
~A "D" on her lower left belly
~A "Z" on the back of her neck
~A red and black tribal tattoo on her outer right calf



~Two earrings in each ear
~Two cartilage piercings in her left ear
~Left nose ring
~Belly ring to which she often wears a long ring with a
diamond, ruby, sapphire, aquamarine, and black pearl on it:





Household in Nasu, Japan:

Uncle: Liam Harpenger, Slytherin
Aunt: Shalyn Umbra-Harpenger, Slytherin
Brother: Mello Harpenger (15, Slytherin)
Brother: Jacob Harpenger (12, Ravenclaw)
Sister: Jasmine Harpenger (12, Ravenclaw)


New Drathil

Waves of Change - Kaskade and Samantha James
Old Drathil

Your Loving Arms - Karen Overton

Angel on my Shoulder - Kaskade

Room For Happiness - Kaskade

Forget - Trifonic
Crumble Earth
In my hands
In my hands
Humble words when I can, if I can

Friend, are you my enemy?
Are we done,
Is it a memory? Memory.

If we could forget all this life, would you regret me?
You regret me.
If we could forget all this life, would you regret me?
You regret me.

Find my worth
Where I stand, if I stand
Stumble fast
When I land
If I land

Friend, are you my enemy?
Are we done,
Is it a memory? Memory.

If we could forget all this life, would you regret me?
You regret me.
If we could forget all this life, would you regret me?
You regret me.

Could we forget?
Could we forget?
Could we forget?




..... Cray Calcifer Fencrow - Xabriel Seth Raventongue
Gryffindor - Gryffindor
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Last edited by ShalynArater on Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:08 am, edited 21 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Kadaja Harpenger
 Post Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 2:17 pm 
Forum Sixth Year
Forum Sixth Year
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Joined: Sun Sep 07, 2008 12:00 am
Posts: 274
Location: My computer's D drive
In Kad's room:

A gallery of her friends on her wall.
((If you know your character is friends with Kad,
and you don't see their picture, please let me know.))

A medium sized photo on her fireplace in a golden frame.
Next to the photo is a glass ring box, containing a ring with twisted green and red metal.
The gem is half white, half green. If one picks up the ring, it is cold to the touch,
and cannot be warmed up no matter how long it is held. The ring is seen below.
A large photo like the one below.
It sits between her two bookcases.


A Blackmill poster directly above her bed.
A black leather book with an attached key
bookmark lays open in the bookcase.
Lorn (General Ball Python, top) and
Onyx (Black Pewter Ball Python, bottom)
rest in a glass enclosure on the table.
~A small cherry blossom tree next to her bed.

~An award for Special Services to the School
hanging above the fireplace, along with a Sliver Star
from the Ministry of Magic.

~A medium sized photo of Kad, her siblings, and her
aunt and uncle under a cherry blossom tree.

~A small contraption that looks like it
can be used for making tea.


..... Cray Calcifer Fencrow - Xabriel Seth Raventongue
Gryffindor - Gryffindor
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