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 Post subject: Wystan Hydd
 Post Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:01 pm 
Forum Second Year
Forum Second Year
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Joined: Sat Jun 27, 2009 7:10 pm
Posts: 45
Wystan Hydd


"Things are going to get interesting" -Wystan Hydd

Gender: Male
Current Year: 3rd
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 105lbs.
Eye Colour: Teal
Hair Colour: Medium Brown
Hair Style: Fauxhawk
House: Slytherin
Blood: Pure-Blood
Wealth: Wealthy
Nationality: Welsh
Lives: In the magical world
Wand: Black Locust with Thestral hair


Wystan seems to be the snobbish and popular type of guy that's always looking to get a rise out of others. Although he isn't the smartest slytherin he is very resourceful and cunning, able to seek out someone that will supply the answers he needs. The way he conducts himself around his friends is exactly how one might expect him to act; lacking modesty, teasing to those he seems lesser than him, and sarcastic. He believes that if you arn't already his friend, you just arn't trying hard enough, that or you're not worth his time. Needless to say Wystan is kind of a jerk, and that's just the way he likes it.


When it comes to his physical appears you can tell that he definately tries to look his best at all times. He's not obsessed with working out but does occassionally to maintain his somewhat muscular physique. His hair is cut in a modern fashion, a simple fauxhawk that is styled neatly in his dark brown hair.


Wystan is moderately intelligent, nothing special compared to those who can instantly recite an entire spellbook. The only interesting quirk that Wystan has over his intelligence is a photographic memory, able to recall details and spells that he recently saw with incredible accuracy. Even his overly proud demenor doesn't stop him from occassionally asking for help.... if the person is also a pure-blood... and is intelligent.. and somewhat popular... and is in Slytherin....


Wystan has always lived in the magical world with his pure-blood parents, Owen and Adyna Hydd. An only child he was spoiled by his rich parents and was allowed to do basically anything he wanted. Having grown up in the magical world he had never seen a muggle before, relying on what his parents had told him about them as his only knowledge. When he came of age his letter to Hogwarts was recieved and he was instantly sent off, alreadying having the supplies he needed for his first year. During his first year he kept in close touch with his family by his pet owl, Cold, occassionally sending letters and receiving gifts from them.




Gender: Female
Length: Five Feet
Width: Four Inches
Color: Black, Silver Underbelly
Eye Color: Teal
Species: Unknown (Magical)
Owner: Wystan Hydd


Not much is know about the large black snake other than that it was given to Wystan as a gift by his parents at the beginning of his Second Year. The snake is about five feet in length and about four centimeters around. The only time it is ever seen is when it is with Wystan, and when it's with him it seems to be particularly protective of him, hissing at anyone who would cause him harm. The reason for the connection between Sasha and Wystan is unknown, but rumor has it that he sometimes whispers to it, yet most people believe he's just calming it down.

First Year

Chapter One

Making his way down the stairs to the grand hall in his house his mother and father looked up from the entryway, surrounded by large bags and suitcases, at their son who was now dressed in a new and fitting Slytherin robe. "Ooooooh! My baby!" Wystan's mother, Adyna, cried out as she held onto her husband. Adyna was a short Welsh woman, she had smooth long blond hair that trailed down her back. Her eyes were a deep blue in hue and her skin was a smooth peach colour. Wystan gave a small blush of embarassment at his mother's show of affection. His father, Owen, simply wrapped his arm around his mother and looked up at his son, "Well Son, I think you'll make a fine Slytherin." Owen was a tall and somewhat muscular man, deep brown hair and green eyes. Wystan nodded at him, "Ddiolch 'ch," he said politely, Welsh for thank you. His mother slowly made his way over to him and gave him a small hug before looking down at him, "Now we're having your things delivered to the castle, they should be there when you arrive" she said, assuring him. "You mean I won't be taking the train then?" Wystan asked, somewhat confused. "Oh heavens no! I don't want you to get in with the wrong crowd" she said and gave him another hug, it wasn't obvious who she was hinting at, but in his mother's mind anyone who was muggleborn was part of the wrong crowd. "You'll be traveling by floo powder" she says as they began to make their way over to the floo room.

The floo room was a wide empty room, on each side of the long hall stood tall pillars, but the room was completely bare save an enormous fireplace at the other end and a coat rack standing nearby. The fireplace was black and elegant, intricate details rolled across the hard stone surface, a vast wrapping of vines and birds that made it seem even further out of place in the empty room. Wystan made his way over to the fireplace and grabbed a handful of the thin silver substance. His mother ran up to him and gave him one last quick hug goodbye as he stood in front of the fireplace. "I love you so much!" she said and smiled up at him. Wystan returned the embrace with a smile. Looking back to his father he recieved a small nod, "Make me proud" he said with a smile.

Uppon arrival he stepped aside to avoid causing traffic for other floo users, looking about the room at some of the other students who had also used the fireplace to get to Hogwarts. Some of the other students wore robes of house representation as he did, but the majority of them were wearing basic black. The students seemed to vary greatly, some of them were tall, some were older, and some of them looked as if they didn't have a clue what was going on. After waiting for the others to arrive via the train the group of students near the fireplace began to make it's way to the great hall to be sorted. After several of the other first years were sorted his name was called and he slowly rose to the sorting hat. Sitting in the chair not half a second after the sorting hat touched his head did it yell "Slytherin!" Wystan smirked happily and made his way over to the Slytherin house table, proceding to introduce himself to others.

Chapter Two

The year went by mostly uneventful, fufilling homework assignments, learning more spells, and making new friends. Early in the morning when the hallway was still dim Wystan was making his way down to the great hall for a bit of breakfast. Standing at the end of the hallway were two gryffindor students, one of them a boy and the other a girl. The girl, Zoe Winters, was teasing the boy about a picture she had taking of him in which there was writing on his face, trying to get a rise out of him. As the two continued to talk it became increasingly obvious that she was trying to get some type of reaction out of the boy as she continued to threaten to post the pictures around the castle and do other forms of embarassment. Finally when it seemed she couldn't get any sort of reaction she blatantly yelled, "Come on! I'm trying to get you angry!" With a smirk Wystan pulled his wand out and pointed it at the boy, attempting to help the girl, "Jelly Legs." Wystan began to laugh as the male student, Styx, began to wobble about, trying to stand up again and continued to fall down on the ground, his legs temporarily turned to jelly. The amusement was shortlived however as the girl angrily pointed her wand at Wystan and uttered the first spell that came to her mind, almost kiling him. Zoe carried his unconsious body up to the hospital wing and explained to Madam Pomfrey that she wasn't sure what spell she used and that she was too angry to remember.

Another member of Slytherin, Shacadia Shay, must have caught word of the incident and arrived shortly after, proceding to tell Zoe how stupid she must have been and how careless she was with her magic. Wystan was still unconsious at this time but when he awoke he saw Zoe and sarcastically said to her, "So you've come to finish me off?" His voice somewhat weak he closed his eyes and waited for her to respond. "Maybe sometime you'll learn not to make the wrong person angry" was her only reply. She lifted up a small brown bag that was pushed up against the side of the bed, "I brought you some candy and some cards...." she said, trying to apologize. "Yeah sure..." Wystan replied somewhat out of place, dozing back off to sleep. When he awoke Shay was at his side, placing another bouquet of flowers on the small end table next to his hospital bed. Looking up at her happily he opened his eyes and smiled at her, "Thank you for the flowers, I really appreciate it." Shay nodded and began to run a hhand through his brown hair, nurturing him. "I can't believe she could do something like this, how -stupid- can you be" Shay said, sounding rather upset. Wystan nodded at her, "As soon as I find him I'm going to get her sent to Azkaban where she belongs." Shacadia leaned in and whispered something along the lines of, "I've heard that she's probably a muggleborn." Wystan replied with a nod and whispered, "That probably explains why she can't control herself." The two then continued to whisper back and forth, planning for the near future.

Chapter Three

Wystan sat at the Slytherin table in the great hall during lunch hours, speaking with friends and eating Bertie Bott's Ever Flavoured Beans. Deep in the conversation he popped a random bean in his mouth an nodded over to one of his friends. Him and his group of friends had been sharing rumours about other students. "I heard that Gryffindor Prefect Gregory Smith never sleeps because he's afraid he'll wet his bed" Wystan said with a chuckle and placed another bean in his mouth. His friends nodded and laughed as well. One of his friends leaned in and whispered among the group, "I heard that Jessica Ashcraft uses Baruffio's Brain Elixer before she takes all of her tests and before homework" they all nodded, believing every word of it, Wystan munched down on another bean. Quickly reaching for a glass of water he gulped the contents down and stuck his tongue out, which the rest of the group recognized as the common reaction to a Bertie Bott's Hot Sauce Bean. After the little incident Wystan pushed the beans aside asking, "Why am I eating these?" and they group continued their conversation.

Second Year

Chapter One

Stepping out of the floo fireplace at Hogwarts he gazed around and grinned to himself. Noticing his house colors a very excitable first year ran up to him with a smile, introducing himself. "Hi I'm Jacob, I can't wait to be sorted, I hope I get to be in Slytherin." Wystan glared at him for a moment and then down at his hand, still hanging in the air for a handshake, "We can only hope not" he responded, proceeding to raise his Gilderoy Lockhart's Gadding With Ghouls book, which he had forgot to place in his bookbag, and hitting the student lightly in the side of the head. "Mister Hydd!" Headmistress McGonagall called from the side of the room having seen him, "There shall be no rough-housing on school premises." Wystan nodded at her, "Yes Headmistress." Placing the book down by his side, he turned to walk into the great hall. After the sortings and the announcements the students made their way to the dormitories. Arriving in his room he noticed all of his bags were there and on his bed a large wrapped box with silver and green ribbon, a small card on top of it that read "Wystan". Picking up the card he opened it and read it to himself:

"Dear son, Me and your mother realize that you are getting older now and you have grown into a fine and responsible young man. We wish you the best of luck with your school year and know that this will come in handy. Congratulations son.
Much love. -Owen, Adyna."

Carefully looking at the box he pulled on one of the silver ribbons, taking the top off of it and looking inside. His eyes grew wide with excitement as he gazed down at a beautiful five foot long black snake with a silver underbelly. The creature gazed back up at Wystan, seeming calm. Another student quickly made his way over to the box, "Wow!" he exclaimed. The snake turned it's head and hissed at the other boy, baring it's fangs, "Ssassha" Wystan commanded at the snake, gazing down at it. "You should have named it Killer instead..." said the other boy as he turned to mind his own business. Wystan turned to look back at him for a moment and then shook his head, reaching into the box and pulling the snake out. The snake seemed to be unsually drawn to him and it curled itself around his arm playfully. Leaning in to whisper to it, he spoke simply, "Hmmm... I guess I'll call you Sasha then..." he said, the sides of his mouth turning to a devilish grin.

Chapter Two

Slumped lazily on the his desk during a Charms class, his arms crossed in front of him and his head resting upon them, Wystan tuned out Professor Flitwick. His friend sitting at the table with him looked over at him, nudging him with his elbow. "Hey, I hear that Gryffindor is going to have an all-girl quidditch team because the boys are afraid they'll get hurt." He whispered down to Wystan, turning to look back up at the teacher as if he was paying attention. Wystan let out a small chuckle and smiled at him, "I don't doubt that." Leaning sideways to whisper his friend continued, "I also hear that that one kid... Keeferson... strangled his parents." Wystan let out a loud and sudden laugh, causing the students in the class to look at him as he interrupted their lesson. "What? I thought what Flitwick said was funny...." He said, defending himself. Flitwick looked at him for a minute and then smiled, "Right.. where were we then?" He said, returning to the lesson, "You must first raise your wand mid-torso and then point at the surface and say 'Puteulanus Flamma'." Professor Flitwick demonstrated, causing the bright Bluebell Flames to appear on a nearby book, the flames not burning the book below. The students in the class began to whisper excitedly as they witnessed the event. "Alright then.. give it a go." Flitwick said, all the students quickly pulling out their wands. Wystan sat himself up in his chair and pulled out his wand, nudging his friend in the side. "Watch this..." He said with a smirk, pointing his wand mid-torso and then pointing at a nearby Ravenclaw girl. Her hair was quickly covered by the harmless flames, and although she knew they would not burn her, her natural reaction caused her to scream and fall out of her chair. "Very good Mr. Hydd" Professor Flitwick said, clapping his hands as the other students watched wide-eyed at the girl who now picked herself up off the ground, glaring at Wystan.


Overall Theme (Olympic Airways - Foals)

Sasha's Theme (Down Boy - Yeah Yeah Yeahs)

[OOC Notes: Character is based off of me. Don't steal my picture or I'll hunt you down... don't hunt me down either.. o.o]


Last edited by Wayton on Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:40 pm, edited 21 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Wystan Hydd
 Post Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:30 pm 
Forum Second Year
Forum Second Year
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Joined: Sat Jun 27, 2009 7:10 pm
Posts: 45
On a further note, my permission is granted to post a reply with questions, comments, requests, or roleplay as long as it pertains to my character. So go nuts! And PLEASE reply if you have something to say :)


 Post subject: Re: Wystan Hydd
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:01 pm 
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Forum Second Year
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Added First Year


 Post subject: Re: Wystan Hydd
 Post Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 12:11 pm 
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Forum Second Year
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Separated First Year into chapters and added Chapter Three


 Post subject: Re: Wystan Hydd
 Post Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:30 am 
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Forum Second Year
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Updated relations with others and made a few aesthetic changes.


 Post subject: Re: Wystan Hydd
 Post Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 12:35 am 
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Forum Second Year
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Updated Second Year and added Sasha


 Post subject: Re: Wystan Hydd
 Post Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 6:52 pm 
Forum Second Year
Forum Second Year
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Updated Biography and added some Theme music, Also added Chapter Two to Year Two


 Post subject: Re: Wystan Hydd
 Post Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:40 pm 
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Forum Second Year
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