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 Post subject: Asellia Rastanbul
 Post Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 3:40 pm 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year

Joined: Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:51 pm
Posts: 13

Personal Info:
Name: Asellia Rastanbul
House: Hufflepuff
Blood: Half-Blood
Year: 2nd Year
Thoughts on School:
Asellia enjoyed her first year at Hogwarts greatly, and is enjoying the 2nd nearly as much. She finds the 2nd year work a lot more complicated, and often needs help with some of it, but she doesn't lose confidence and she always tries her hardest no matter what the situation. She has met many friends, and no enemies as far as she knows, and is very happy with the way things are going.

Favorite Classes: Charms, Potions
The Estentold Spirit:
The Estentold Spirit, or Spirit is Asellia's first friend, and a family ghost of sorts. Spirit is the ghost of the family's magical dog of a pet before Asellia was born. During Asellia's young childhood, a man tried hurting her and Estentold Materialized when she was in danger, and defeated the man. The man's memory was altered by wizards due to Spirit's powers. Spirit has flaming bites, and scratches, and he can also breathe fire.

Goals in Life:
Asellia, due to the very many injuries and sick friends she's seen, and the incurable illnesses, curses, and magic illness she has seen, she wishes to become a witch that excels in healing types of magic, whether it be enchantments to keep people from harm, or cures for the diseases themselves. She wants to help people.
Height: 4foot 0inches
Hair Color: Platinum Blonde. very light
Eye Color: Steely Gray
Birthplace: Estentold, Germany
Birthday: May 31st
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Distinguishing Habits: Asellia's absent-mindedness often causes her to fall forward from walking too fast with her hair being so long. She also cries whenever something saddens, or scares her.

Asellia stands a short 4feet, and weighs 55 lbs. She wears her long hair with pride, the longest in the school of those she's met, which reaches just above the ground. It is a beautiful platinum blonde, a delicate silver while the yellow still remains. Her eyes are a steely blue, due to pigment issues they went from blue to gray, though a bit of blue still remains. Her skin is very pale due to her pigment issues, but still has a bit of fleshy-like color remaining.

Rough Personality:
Asellia has a kind heart, even though sometimes how kind she is seems childish, she always tries her hardest to please everyone, and tries to see the best in everyone. She is a very devoted friend, and more then anything wants to see her friends happy. She wears a wide smile for most of the day, unless something greatly saddening makes her depressed.

Last edited by Asellia on Sun Jul 26, 2009 4:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Asellia Rastanbul
 Post Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:59 am 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year

Joined: Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:51 pm
Posts: 13
Asellia's Dream

Asellia, through her experiences in hogwarts has come to realize that she does not want to fight, she wants to help her friends, and others. She dreams to become the best Healer in the world. She is reading many pre-witchcraft school books, to teach herself many of the basics, and the theory of such magics most would not learn currently.

Milestone One:
Rudimentary Herbology - 100% Read, notes taken
Pre-First-Year Potions - 100% Read, notes taken
History of Medical Wizardry - 100% Read, notes taken

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