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Quintessa Lorraine Gallagher
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Author:  xStOnEsOuRx [ Sat Oct 10, 2009 8:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Quintessa Lorraine Gallagher


Name: Quintessa Lorraine Gallagher


Photo Album:



Nicknames : Tessa, or Tessa Raine.

Birthday : December, 26th

Birthplace : Bangor, Ireland (North Ireland)

Hair Color : Dark brown, and redish.

Eye Color : Dark, chestnut brown.

Age : Depends on the current year, at the moment she is 16.

Height : She is very short, currently standing at about 3 foot and 3 inches tall.

Weight : While she is very short, she also weighs very little. Currently she weighs about 53 pounds.

Current Year At Hogwarts : 5th year.


Physically : Tessa has a tiny build. Everything about her is petite. She appears to be rather delicate. While most would notice her small build, others would notice her randomness. She has brightly colored hair, red. She also, prefers to wear brightly color clothing, a change from a majority of the students at Hogwarts. Tessa’s appearance allows one to tell that she strives for difference.


Personality : Tessa’s physical appearance can give one the idea that she likes to be different, her personality confirms that idea. She is random, hyper, talkative, klutzy, and a kind hearted person. At the same time Tessa is rather book smart, and when she has free time she’ll sit down and read any type of book she can get her hands on. She is far from shy and hopes to make a change in the world, somehow, someway.


Interests : Tessa finds almost everything interesting, but her main interests include Transfiguration and Muggle Studies. She finds the two subjects rather fascinating and hopes to use their skills in a future career.


Favorites :
Food - Mulligatawny ( An Irish Soup )
Drink - Blackberry Leaf Tea
Music - Muggle, Rock
Entertainment - A nice walk or a good book.
Time of day - Crack of dawn.
Day of the year - June, 21st
Season - Fall
Color - Bright pink.


Least Favorites :
Food - Lima Beans
Drink - Elderflower Cordial
Music - Muggle, Hip-hop
Entertainment - Dancing.
Time of day - Noon
Day of the year - January, 1st
Season - Spring
Color - White

Author:  xStOnEsOuRx [ Fri Jun 18, 2010 6:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Quintessa Lorraine Gallagher

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