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Nathaniel Frost
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Author:  Nikblade [ Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:35 am ]
Post subject:  Nathaniel Frost

Nathaniel James Frost

A ruddy drop of manly blood
The surging sea outweighs;
The world uncertain comes and goes,
The lover rooted stays.
I fancied he was fled,
And, after many a year,
Glowed unexhausted kindliness
Like daily sunrise there.
My careful heart was free again-
O friend, my bosom said,
Through thee alone the sky is arched,
Through thee the rose is red,
All things through thee takes nobler form
And look beyond the earth,
The mill-round of our fate appears
A sun-path in thy worth.
Me too thy nobleness has taught
To master my despair;
The fountains of my hidden life
Are through thy friendship fair.

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Nathaniel James Frost was born in Spokane Valley, Washington to half-blood wizard James Frost and his muggle wife, Deborah Watkins. Nathan, like his father before him was sorted into Gryffindor upon his arrival at Hogwarts.

Young Nathan is characterized by his adventurousness. Friendly and outgoing, Nathan quickly makes friends with all he meets, eager to compare his experience at Hogwarts with those of other students.

Nathan has, so far, displayed only modest magical aptitude. Even progress in those subjects he excels in are oft hampered by his impatience and relatively short attention span. Nevertheless, his professors are pleased with his thus-far satisfactory work.

Aptitude =====

Ancient Runes: Nathan hasn't yet had any Ancient Runes classes.
Arithmancy: Nathan hasn't yet had any Arithmancy classes.
Astronomy: Nathan is bored by astronomy and subsequently has relatively poor grades in the class.
Care of Magical Creatures: Nathan hasn't yet had any Care of Magical Creatures classes.
Charms: Nathan can cast the spells reasonably well but is too easily frustrated by failure to truly succeed in the class.
Defense Against the Dark Arts: Nathan is moderately more successful in DADA than in Charms, due to the exciting and mysterious nature of the work.
Divination: Nathan hasn't yet had any Divination classes.
Flying: While not particularly dexterous, Nathan's thrill-seeking has helped him learn to fly at a faster pace than his peers.
Herbology: Nathan is bored by the work and achieves only minimal success.
History of Magic: Nathan's least favorite class. He simply can't concentrate and has fallen asleep at his desk repeatedly.
Muggle Studies: Nathan hasn't yet had any Muggle Studies classes.
Potions: Nathan is bored by the work and rarely outperforms any of his peers when it comes to potion making.
Transfiguration: Nathan isn't talented when it comes to transfiguration magic.

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