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 Post subject: Abigail Feltz
 Post Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 12:55 pm 
Forum Seventh Year
Forum Seventh Year
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Joined: Fri Dec 28, 2007 12:00 am
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Abigail Feltz

'I might show facts as plain as day: but, since your eyes are blind, you'd say, "Where? What?" and turn away.' - Christina Rossetti

Full Name: Abigail Rebecca Feltz
Age: 11
Date of Birth: 2nd of January
House: Slytherin
Year: First
Home Town: Oxford, England
Wand: Walnut Wood, 7", Kelpie Mane Hair.


Surprisingly, there is a lot of stigma surrounding Abbi's wand. Most would not think twice about the polished stick with ringlet carvings in the hilt. The walnut wood represents unrelent, no flexibility, no compromise, and the like. There is also the hint of contrasting values in the wood; promises of hidden spontaneity, things that don't add up or make sense. Although, one would argue that it is an example of the typical teenage girl. Travelling deeper into the wand, a single strand of Kelpie mane hair is firmly cocooned inside. The common knowledge amongst most is mainly about a Kelpie being a magical water horse, showing anything but benevolent characteristics. It is said to lure mortals, especially children, into the water to drown and eat them. It performs this act by encouraging children to ride on its back. Once its victims fall into its trap, the kelpie's skin becomes adhesive and it bears them into the river, dragging them to the bottom of the water and devouring them. Dwelving deeper into the myths, one would find the contrast- a single tale of a Kelpie becoming whole, human. It seems that the whole wand contradicts itself or can be looked at in two different ways; skillfully reflecting the bearer.


ImageAbigail possess a skillfull grace and pose to be matched with that of Royalty itself. The only thought that could explain this is the saying 'practice makes perfect.' Her polite manners continue to the dinner table, and when speaking to her peers. On the rare occasion, she stumbles with a few words and phrases that seem very complex- although, she is quite hasty in apologizing after doing so.

After being called a 'doll,' Abigail took it upon herself to check if she really was a doll, examining herself in the mirror. It seemed very likely, her whitish skin and rounded face, all to be topped off with deathly straight black hair and cerulean blue eyes comparable to diamonds. As she opened her mouth and spoke, words interlaced with a broad Oxfordian accent in recieved pronunciation spiralled out. Those who were at the Leaky Cauldron at the start of the year would have said it ran in the family at the sight of her mother, though Abbi is quick to shake her head at this, and even faster to close her mouth.


ImageAbbi has few objects of importance in her life, one of them is her pet. It is a small, white, oriental short hair cat. A small black collar is loosely wrapped around the feline's neck, with the word 'Librus' etched on in white lettering. There is nothing special at all about the cat, yet she talks to it as if it were human- and seems to do this with everyone else's pets too.

Everyone has obsessions, and Abbi is certainly no exception. Behind closed doors and out of public view, she collects odds and ends associated with the 1950's. Various vinyl records are filed in a large cupboard in her room, which seem to complement her style of vintage pressed dresses. The vast majority of her 'fancy frocks' almost seem Victorian- and some are even slightly shabby or moth eaten at the edges.


Massive Attack - Splitting the Atom

Vincent & Mr. Green feat. Benji Hughes - Burn

Nathaniel Rhomas - Retired Diviner
Syrra Heskarma - Seventh Year Socialite
Orphne Ragsworth - First Year Frolicker

 Post subject: Re: Abigail Feltz
 Post Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:26 am 
Forum Seventh Year
Forum Seventh Year
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Joined: Fri Dec 28, 2007 12:00 am
Posts: 650
And redone.

Nathaniel Rhomas - Retired Diviner
Syrra Heskarma - Seventh Year Socialite
Orphne Ragsworth - First Year Frolicker

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