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Author:  MShadows [ Thu Jul 13, 2006 5:12 pm ]
Post subject:  ~Karen~

Name- Karen De Arith (think I spelled that last name right >.<)
Age- 10-ish
Gender- Young Female
School Year- First Year

Family- “Puppy” or “Pup” as she calls him, a very massive looking wolf that always stays by her side keeping those keen yellow eyes locked on her. Reasons unknown how they met, or why the wolf stays with her. For now it seems he enjoys her child-like nature, and has taken a vow to himself to protect her.

Hometown- Karen has been a wonderer all her life, always searching for something new to learn. Reasons unknown what’s driving this thirst for knowledge; perhaps a child-like curiosity?

Wand Makeup- ??

Favorite Subject- Every single one..(even potions :P)

Karen is seen as a cute little girl with those huge brightening eyes and big warm smile. Little is known about her background, although no one seems to ask, with her rambling on about subjects and getting excited about meeting new people. She seems to walk around with that innocence curiosity and child like glow. She is often seen with a massive wolf trailing by her side, keeping watch over her all the time. She keeps the wolf as her closest friend, giving him the name “puppy” or “pup”.

Odd traits of Karen- She seems to talk in third person without noticing it or caring…reasons unknown why, or when she started… Her pronounciation lacks the right vocabulary, but hopefully she’ll learn to grow out of that. She’s not scared of strangers and rarely thinks anything bad of people, which could be her down fault in some situations, but in others, a good trait to have.

People Karen’s met-
Miss Mawwma Keemi
Miss Eeawmle
Mister Th-RAAAaaawwR! *giggles*
Mister Veecawwr
Mister Krez
Mister Chawwnz
Miss Gaaw…*pauses*umm err.. brrra .umm..wliaawl?

//If I’m forgetting anyone send me a pm and I’ll put ya up here >.< lol And hope you liked her little bio… I’ll be adding some more sometime…if you want to add in a story, like how Karen and your char met; that’d be cool, and I’d love to post something up! Thanks again! *fades into the shadows*

Author:  MShadows [ Thu Jul 27, 2006 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Karen's and Pup's Adventures

// This story is abit of an event that happened, in karens and mostly pup's eyes.. I didnt want to really say anyones names soo I kinda kept it in karens and pups zone.. the story is abit long, and slightly not really but kinda graphic? fight scenes..didnt wanna put too much detail cause lil kids and their readin :roll: hehe ..umm as to all, Hope you enjoy it! //

A large bag slung around her shoulder, her wand out firmly in her tiny hand; Karen was off for an adventure! She traveled into the Forbidden Forest, looking for ingredients for her next spells. Suddenly Karen heard a large growl; she whirled around to be faced to face with a large wolf. The wolf looked at Karen, then leaped pasted her and digged its massive jaws into a near-by will-o-wisp. Karen smiled and cheered, praising her wolf for the victory! She walked over to the wolf, giving him a hug, “Pup saved Karen again!”

The wolf looked sternly at Karen, almost as if he was mad that she was so naive to come to such a dangerous place, but that stern look faded as he felt her arms around his thick coat. Giving her a quick lick on the cheek, he sped up in front of Karen, watching for the next dangerous creature that might hurt his Karen.

Karen hummed a tune, and collected the light from the will-o-wisp, giving no thought to how worried Pup was about how dangerous this forest was to her. She skipped around, giggling, then pointed to the north, “Karen and Pup will go THAWT WAY!”

Pup shook his head, letting out a low growl, then lead Karen the way she wanted to go. He sniffed the air, searching for any out-of-place smells, he scanned every tree, keeping himself keen and ready for anything that would be of any potential to hurt Karen.
Karen seemed her same-self, always curious, jotting down notes around the trees and animals she saw. She’d gasp and then jumped up and down excitedly at every new discovery they found. Suddenly Pup stopped, making Karen run into him, “Karen wonders why Pup stopped? Pup and Karen are going thawt way, remember?”

Pup ignored Karen’s comment and moved protectively in front of her, growling loudly, keeping him-self low to ground, his fangs showing and muscles tightening. Karen looked around and then spotted an older lady, her robes shown Ravenclaw. Pup growled at the pure stranger, Ravenclaw or not, this human was a stranger. He felt Karen suddenly move behind him, he glanced back to see Karen was gone. He quickly turned forward, all his senses on alert, his ears perked as he heard Karen voice, “Hi! Karen wonders who miss is?”

Pup quickly came to Karen, keeping himself by her side, his wolfish yellow eyes locked onto the human stranger. Karen smiled and talked excitedly to the fellow Ravenclaw, accepting to join their party in search for something. Pup had no choice but to follow Karen around these human strangers, none of them felt familiar to him, but they all had the smell of school books and magic on them.

Karen smiled happily, enjoying the talk about classes, spells, adventures. She kept distant when something attacked, and helped out by attacking long ranged. Pup kept an eye on her, and then shot out to fight the most nearest creature to her. Karen, Pup, and the other Ravenclaws traveled around the forest.

Suddenly, Pup felt something wrong, he looked at the human Ravenclaw strangers, but felt nothing wrong with them, he looked carefully at Karen, but she seemed her normal-self. He sniffed the air, and trotted in front of the pack, when he felt a sting on his right shoulder and a huge wave of pain crash down on him. He whimpered growling lowly and blinked, wondering what came over him. He could smell blood. He could feel the tingle of dark magic. All his senses went on alert, he stood up, and realized he smelled Karen’s blood.

He howled and ran after Karen’s scent. What he saw sent a chill down his wolfish spine. Karen was not a child anymore; she had no smile on her face, she had no look of child innocence. Her glow of child-like warmth and curiosity was filled with a whole new glow. The glow of wisdom, determination, and thirst for more…She was a Ravenclaw, faced against something Pup never wanted Karen to see, Death Eaters.

Death Eaters, the Dark Lord’s puppets, as he thought of them, were now here? Attacking these humans, attacking his Karen…He snarled, feeling heat rise in his body, his heart pumped faster, every muscle in his body tighten, he could not hold himself back anymore. He let every wolf instinct release within him. He leaped on one of the death eaters, digging his claws into the death eaters back, and snapping his massive jaws into its neck, feeling himself become his old-self once again, wild and blood thirsty for more.

After the battle, Pup felt exhausted, every muscle and some muscles he didn’t even know he had, throbbed with pain. He stumbled over to Karen, and was relieved to she her in her old-self again. She looked tired, but in her eyes he could see that child-like warmth, Karen smiled weakly at Pup, and give him a potion she had learned, she silently gave thanks to Mister Snape for teaching her such spell. Karen could see pup looked better, his wounds started to heal and close back up and his muscles seemed to relax, “Pup did a good job...” she softly scratched pup behind his ears, then turned to one of the fellow Ravenclaws, “Karen wonders whawt was those people?”

The Ravenclaws talked it over and then came with the conclusion of “Death Eaters”

//yay! done! hope ya liked it! I probably have some misspells and such >.< but hey..whateva... plz comment if ya have any!

*fades into the shadows*


Author:  MShadows [ Sun Dec 10, 2006 4:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

//this is a more recent pups eyes--i u like it! ^.^//

Soft moonlight drifted lightly as the clouds blew lazily in the night sky and the stars seemed to twinkle in delight. It was beautiful, the night sky…it had an elegant mysterious look, almost breathtaking at times. The large wolf would sometimes stare at this scene, taking his time to note the wonders of this world. He rose from the cool wooden floor to stretch out his paws, his long claws softly dragging across the floor as he did so. The wolf sniffed the air, feeling a rush of crisp winter air and the smell of fire crackling on dry logs. He glanced around the room, taking note of the door, the scattered pages and books lying on the floor, the large chest shut tightly with a magical lock, a blue flag of a raven hanging on the wall, and a small broom hidden behind a dresser.

The wolf trotted up to the king-sized bed, its covers were tightly wrapped around a small young child. She seemed to be almost drowning in the multiple numbers of sheets and blankets to keep her from getting cold. Her long dark amber hair flowing gently across the blue pillow as it curled lightly at the ends, dipping into the shadows of her sheets. Her soft face looked almost serene, like the peaceful tranquility of the night sky itself.

Karen was growing up, he could see in her eyes, her mind, her heart; but also, her magic. She was growing stronger day by day; challenge by challenge that fate had lain before her… Even now, his orched colored eyes could see the strong magic surrounding her, sparkling in the moonlight and disappearing into the shadows once more. The massive wolf feared that soon he wouldn’t have to be her protector anymore… then what would he do? His mind wondered as he remembered the countless times he had saved her; some little things, others life threatening. The wolf let out a soft growl and curled up snuggly beside the bed, his thick fur becoming lucid silver in the soft light of the moon. The large wolf closed his tired eyes, but kept his ears perked at a fierce attention, never taking a moment to let down his guard.

“ She will be safe until the day I die…I promise…”

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