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Brandon Raine
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Author:  xrere [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Brandon Raine

"Life is a gift, no givebacks."

Personal Information
Name: Brandon Luke Raine

Age: 11

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Blood type: Half

Birthplace: Maryville, Missouri

Current residence: Maryville, Missouri

House: N/A

Defining Traits: Brandon is, above all... protective. He defends what he cares for. This may mislead others to believe he's overzealous and wishes to rid the world of evil, untrue. Brandon will sit back in the kings position as the pawns destroy themselves, unless, of course... someone breaches the line of pawns. Anything that he holds within his safety zone he'll protect in what ways he can.

Personality: He's outgoing when you get to know him, he'll do things on a dare and he'll keep the humor alive. However, if you're outside his circle of trust... things can be a bit quiet. One would learn that Brandon is easy to befriend, were the right technique used in the process.

Family: A misconception is often formed that Brandon dislikes his family, this is false. He only thinks that it's too big, too noisy and too nosy. He loves every member of his family, but sometimes he can get quite annoyed by them.

Family Members
Mother: Jessica Raine (Muggle)
Father: Edward Raine
Sister: Kyli Raine
Sister: Becky Raine
Sister: Emily Raine
Sister: Amanda Raine
Sister: Lily Raine
"Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact."

A hard life
Missouri is a place that plays many stereotypes close to the chest. Cliques are formed within the school system and some people are left out. For the most part it isn't a bunch of hicks running around with pitchforks, however. Teenagers are like any other teenager; boys want girlfriends, girls want boyfriends and drama fills the air. Of the many people unlabeled and never spoken to, remained Brandon Raine. Despite the fact he's a handsome young man, things never clicked. People never talked to him, he never talked to them. Getting out of Missouri was the first step to falsating this fact. The simple move to London - temporarily staying at the Leaky Cauldron - earned him a friend, Courtney Aether. He likes her, but she literally has no idea how the system works. She held his hand, but didn't know that it was a sign of affection. For eleven year olds they have a fun time together, playing in the streets of Diagon and patiently awaiting the arrival of the school year. They consider each other boyfriend and girlfriend, she now is beginning to understand the feeling of liking someone.

Author:  xrere [ Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brandon Raine

//Updated A hard life

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