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 Post subject: Christy Hanley
 Post Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:57 pm 
Forum Second Year
Forum Second Year

Joined: Sun May 03, 2009 3:50 pm
Posts: 32
Christy Lee Hanley


Define your meaning of war
To me it's what we do when we're bored
I feel the heat comin off of the blacktop
And it makes me want it more
Because I'm hyped up, outta control
If it's a fight I'm ready to go
I wouldn't put my money on the other guy
If you know what I know that I know


Basic Information -
Name: Christy Lee Hanley
Age: 17
Hair: Redish brown
Eyes: Dark brown
Skin: Pale
Height: 5'3
Build: Thin and curvy
Piercings: Ears, Bellybutton, Clavicle
Tattoos: Black angel wings across her back
Scars: None
Makeup: Smoky eyes
Jewelry: Bracelets on both of her wrists
Mother: Aislinn Hanley
Father: Evan Hanley - Azkaban
Brother: Seth Hanley
1. Screech Owl named Lapdance
2. Horse named Striptease
Instruments: Guitar and Piano


Relationship -
Christy is currently in love with Lance Silverston. She would do anything for him, and will usually be seen by his side.

Pictures -


Music -
Theme Song: Hmm... Thinking of one :)

Favorite Song:
The Chosen Pessimist by In Flames

For Lance:
Better Than Drugs by Skillet

Kestrel Maeve - Seventh Year Slytherin

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