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Zephyrus Syden
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Author:  Arinu [ Tue Aug 25, 2009 6:45 am ]
Post subject:  Zephyrus Syden


Thanks to Cris Ortega for the original image and for letting me use it.
Thanks to Zimarra for the editing. You rock my socks!


Name: Zephyrus Syden
Age: Depends on year
Birth-date: March 12.
Hair: Blonde, generally lies flat.
Eyes: Blue.
Height: Depends on year.
Nationality: Australian.
Blood status: Full blood
Family: Samuel Syden (father, Wizard),Sara Macnamara (mother(deceased), Muggle). (So he believed until he started Hogwarts)
House: Slytherin.Image


8 1/2 inches
Excellent for protective charms and defensive spells.


Basic History

Zephyrus was conceived shortly after the defeat of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Sara, however, freaked out when she found out about magic and for her mental health, and that of her unborn child, her memory was Obliviated.
She was moved to Australia where she was watched over by Samuel, until she died in a car crash when Zephyrus was five. Zephyrus' care was then put to his father, who accepted solemnly.
This was what Zephyrus thought, until he arrived at Hogwarts, and found James, a copy of him in almost every way. When Zephyrus wrote home, asking for an explanation, his father admitted that Zephyrus was placed into Sara's care at birth. The reason for this, he would not divulge.

Samuel works in the Ministry as an incident investigator and, a long time ago, the information department. As such, he is not around that often but tries to make up for Zephyrus' lack of a mother by teaching him things to occupy his time.



Zephyrus hates to see his friends in trouble. He is, however, quite often in trouble with them. He is quite intelligent in some areas of magic, but often makes rash, on the spot decisions that, although fun, generally end him and others in trouble.
His mischievousness takes a back-seat when around someone new, but he doesnt take long to get over that, and often gives people the wrong impression.
He gets many weird looks over his choice of ice-cream; Dragonfire - Hot (magical form of chillie).


Current career paths

Zephyrus has not thought that far ahead to his future. He is just excited to be at Hogwarts and having fun.


Favourite activites and subjects
Flying: Samuel taught Zephyrus how to fly at the age of eight in an attempt to keep him from brooding about his mother. Like most witches and wizards brought up among muggles, flying was a great thrill, aswell as a challenge.

Random 'adventures': Zephyrus enjoys going on expeditions and adventures, whether they are small or large doesn't matter.



Aurora Gardner: She seems like a very 'bubbly' person and has become one of Zeph's close friends. Like her sister, Zeph thinks she is cute.
Ashlee Gardner: She is quite shy, and rather cute too. Like her sister she has become one of Zeph's close friends and seems to have lost a bit of the shyness around him.
James Wright: Separated at birth, James and Zephyrus have found one another at Hogwarts. Since then they have become the best of friends, causing havoc and mischief wherever they go.

Author:  Arinu [ Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zephyrus Syden

Added colour, added picture, fixed some typo's.

Author:  Arinu [ Sat Sep 19, 2009 9:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Zephyrus Syden

Added some more detail, as well as beginning of relationships. Will be updated rather quickly in the next couple of days, as will alot of others, I would imagine.

Author:  Arinu [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 9:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Zephyrus Syden


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