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 Post subject: Ian Gregor von Blackwing
 Post Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 1:14 pm 
Forum Sixth Year
Forum Sixth Year
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Joined: Mon Jun 12, 2006 12:00 am
Posts: 310

Ian Gregor von Blackwing

Alias/Nickname: Ian.

Blood Heritage: Pureblood

Race: Human

Age: 17

Apparent Age: 18

Sex: Male

Height: 6 ft

Weight:162 lbs.

Hair Color/Style: brown, bordering red hair, always neatly put in style.

Eyes: Very dark, dirty green colour.

Marks/Scars/Tattoos: Several small scars on his face, and several dotted scars on his arms.

Physical Appearance:
Of average height. His eyes have a threatening quality too them. Whatever they seem like, they are the eyes of a true sadist.

Occupation: Seventh Year student at Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardy.

Personality: A self centered egoist that seems to enjoy hurting others with words. He walks around with an air of self confidence and more importantly.. thinks he's better than everyone else.. ten fold.

Ian enjoys a good debate, and can often turn a conversation in a confusing, derailed debate about a subject of his own interest.

Unlike himself in his earlier years at Hogwarts, he can be a social recluse. Often hiding away from the busy student traffic in the Entrance Hall, usually enjoying a book or some study.


.: Secondary Information :.

Philosophy: 'Anarchy is true freedom, true freedom is everyone's Destiny.'

Favorite type of Magic:Transfiguration, Dark Arts and Animative/Illusion magic.

Carried Possessions: A notebook full of a Russian-like writing, a curious ring and a set of very expensive looking silver daggers that have great detailing on the handles.

Clothing: Ian wears very fancy, very expensive looking clothes at all times. Made out of the finest materials.

Associates: Ian can often be found around the halls with either Kimi Rachel, or Star Light.
Why the choice of Hufflepuff is unclear.

O.W.L Results:

Ancient Runes: Outstanding - Ian seems very interested in Ancient runes, he spends great time into translating books filled with rune scripture to his mother-language. He finds it no suprise that he has scored well on the subject.

Arithmancy: Exceeded Expectations - Ian seem's to deal numbers quite well, though not an absolute expert of his class at it, he manages very well. He had expected to score better on the subject.

Astronomy: Exceeds Expectations - With no real interest in Astronomy, he knows he should learn the subject for the stars can play a vital roll in the creation of scrolls or potions. Mostly he finds the subject boring. He had expected to score worse on it.

Care of Magical Creatures: Outstanding - Ian holds great interest on any creature magical. Though he finds some to be disgusting or revolting he still finds them interesting. He has had an obsession with reading about them and it is of no suprise to Ian that he scored so well on this subject.

Charms: Acceptable - Holding no real love for the subject, Ian has spend time forcing himself to study it for a passing grade, and is rather proud that he did. Seeming to think that the subject consits only of household charms.

Defense Against the Dark Arts: Outstanding - Ian has spend special attention to DADA, mostly because the name has 'Dark Arts' in it, and it is the only way for Ian to learn about the 'Dark Arts' from the professors on Hogwarts. For all his interest in the subject, Ian finds it no suprise that he has scored so high on the subject.

Divination: Acceptable - For gypsies, Ian is suprised he even passed the subject at all.

Herbology: Exceeds Expectations - Though he finds the idea of manual labor Herbology brings with itself distastefull.. he has put his time into learning the subject. Mostly because he can see use in being able to identify potential cures for poisons.

History of Magic: Outstanding - Even though Binns his class are some of the most boring around, Ian can always find a way to pay attention. Having been fed wizard history with a spoon, he is eager to learn anything magic related of history. He finds it no surpise he has gotten such a high score on the subject.

Muggle Studies: Acceptable - Due to Ian's future 'plans', he knows he has to learn about muggles. While he finds the creatures to be the worst plague on earth he has put time into studying them. Ian seems satisfied with his grade.

Potions: Exceeds Expectations - Due to his family connections, Ian has been able to get alot of help on the subject, and has gained alot of knowledge about potions from them, making him able to pass the subject with a very respectable grade.

Transfiguration: Outstanding - Possibly Ian's favorate subject, his interest of Transfiguration is unmatched.. even his interest in the Dark Arts is not able to live up to his love for transfiguration. The idea of bending reality to a shape you desire is what makes him love the subject. Ian finds it no suprise that he has gotten such a high grade on the subject.

.: Family Information :.

The Prestigious Blackwing family is known for their ancient roots buried within Bulgaria and their limitless wealth. When asked, Ian seems to deny the existance of any siblings, often stating that he is the only child.

The Blackwing family house is located in a remote moutain region of Bulgaria, due to the altitude seeming to be stuck in a neverending cycle of winter.


.:Mindset Images:.




.:Blacking Family Crest:.


Tiger Lily (Dayln Ry'Mont) - Hufflepuff
Serin Tyln - Hufflepuff
Ian Gregor von Blackwing - Slytherin

Last edited by Ray on Mon Mar 02, 2015 12:44 pm, edited 17 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Ian Gregor von Blackwing
 Post Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:22 am 
Forum Sixth Year
Forum Sixth Year
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Joined: Mon Jun 12, 2006 12:00 am
Posts: 310
Added O.W.L's results and updated his year/height/weight ect.

Tiger Lily (Dayln Ry'Mont) - Hufflepuff
Serin Tyln - Hufflepuff
Ian Gregor von Blackwing - Slytherin

 Post subject: Re: Ian Gregor von Blackwing
 Post Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:54 pm 
Forum Sixth Year
Forum Sixth Year
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Tiger Lily (Dayln Ry'Mont) - Hufflepuff
Serin Tyln - Hufflepuff
Ian Gregor von Blackwing - Slytherin

 Post subject: Re: Ian Gregor von Blackwing
 Post Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 4:33 pm 
Forum Sixth Year
Forum Sixth Year
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Posts: 310

made minor adjustments on his personality, and looks, as well as his philosophy

Tiger Lily (Dayln Ry'Mont) - Hufflepuff
Serin Tyln - Hufflepuff
Ian Gregor von Blackwing - Slytherin

 Post subject: Re: Ian Gregor von Blackwing
 Post Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 12:49 pm 
Forum Sixth Year
Forum Sixth Year
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Joined: Mon Jun 12, 2006 12:00 am
Posts: 310
Updated some bits, made a new family crest and stuff!

Tiger Lily (Dayln Ry'Mont) - Hufflepuff
Serin Tyln - Hufflepuff
Ian Gregor von Blackwing - Slytherin

 Post subject: Re: Ian Gregor von Blackwing
 Post Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 12:44 pm 
Forum Sixth Year
Forum Sixth Year
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Joined: Mon Jun 12, 2006 12:00 am
Posts: 310
Updated his personal themesong. Huzzah

Tiger Lily (Dayln Ry'Mont) - Hufflepuff
Serin Tyln - Hufflepuff
Ian Gregor von Blackwing - Slytherin
Last bumped by Ray on Mon Mar 02, 2015 12:44 pm.

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