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 Post subject: Sean Harris
 Post Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 2:54 pm 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year
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Joined: Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:00 am
Posts: 3
Location: U.S.A

House: Gryffindor

Year: 6th

Age: 16

Blood Status: Muggle Born

Wand: Yew Dragon Heartstring Wand, ten and three quarter inches, good for defense against the dark arts.

Favorite Class(s): Defense Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration (does well in Muggle Studies)

Least Favorite Class(s): Potions (by far) and Arithmancy

Favorite Teacher(s): Professor McGonagall and Professor Moody

Least Favorite Teacher(s): Professor Snape

Patronus: Wolf

Born to two muggle parents, Sean was raised AS a muggle and attended a public elementary school, where he had several friends and decent grades, until the summer of his 11th birthday when he received his letter. This came as a great shock to both his parents, who are both realtors but incredibly open minded people. Sean has no brothers or sisters, but has an uncle and a grandmother, who live in Dublin, who he's currently living with due to his parents business in the United States.

Extremely eager to learn, and petrified of falling behind his classmates, Sean attempts to stay on top of all his class work (saving potions for last) and can usually be found studying, running around looking for supplies, and occasionally sleeping. He mostly spends his time (free or no) following his best friend, Jamie Driscol, around the castle and the grounds. He does fairly well in all his classes, and exceptionally well in Transfiguration, Charms, and Defense Against the Dark Arts. He loves to fly, but hasn't as of yet expressed an interest in Quidditch. He has, however, shown a good deal of interest in a future career as an auror.

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