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 Post subject: Soren Daein
 Post Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 3:42 pm 
Forum Third Year
Forum Third Year
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Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2009 5:58 am
Posts: 51
Location: Canada
((Not exactly it, but as close as I'm going to get, I suppose.

Name: Soren Daein
Gender: Male
House: Ravenclaw
Birth date: December 28th
Origin: Lyon, France
Blood status: Half-blood
Country Heritage: Swedish and French
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 134lbs
Complexion: Quite pale
Eye colour: Gray-ish blue
Hair colour: Black
Style: Alternative
Current Year: 7th

//To be edited

Soren isn't exactly the pinnacle of masculinity. He doesn't have much going for him as far as muscle mass. Overall he looks pretty frail and even a bit sickly. He stands at 5'10" and weighs roughly 134 pounds. He wears his black hair as though he just got out of bed. It's messy, but in that way that it falls perfectly on it's own where it does. There are some waves but it's mostly fairly straight. His eyes seem to have a natural lining around them that either looks like eyeliner, or a darkening from being exhausted. The colour itself is a dull gray, with longer and thicker than average eyelashes. His skin is rather pale but despite that his complexion is free of most blemishes and acne. His facial structure is a bit feminine, with a narrow face and smoother features. When he isn't wearing his Hogwarts robes, Soren is dressed in what looks to be second-hand vintage clothing. He presents himself with an air intelligence, laziness and exhaustion.

//To be edited.

Current Themesong

Food: Soup
Music: Alternative rock, progressive metal, metal, art rock
Parties: Rave!
Dress: Alternative/vintage
Store: Value Village
Drink: Water
Alcoholic Drink: Vodka
Class: History of Magic
Animal: Cat
Season: Autumn
Time of Day: Night
Colour: Black or purple

Ability in Classes
Ancient Runes: Soren is above-level in Ancient Runes, he enjoys deciphering the meanings behind them, and is quite talented at doing so.
Arithmancy: Soren does decently with Arithmancy, with more studying, his ability could go up.
Astronomy: Soren enjoys Astronomy, though he finds recording the details at times and understanding the concepts to be difficult.
Care of Magical Creatures: Soren is awful with the creatures due to either disgust or fright. He cares much less to know how to treat and handle them. He does not do well in this course, though, still has a passing grade.
Charms: Soren is talented when it comes to this class, he shows promise to do much better with practice and study.
Defensive Against the Dark Arts: Soren is at level when it comes to DADA, he does not go the extra step, but also maintains his knowledge and study well enough to understand.
Divination: Soren despises this course, as he finds himself mostly unable to delve into that hidden mind and see what lies beyond, be it through analyzing or ability.
Herbology: Soren shows the ability, but not the dedication in Herbology. He does his homework, but rarely participates in class and does only what is necessary. He does not, however, find it to be a difficult course.
History of Magic: Soren greatly enjoys History of Magic, he's curious about the past and is eager to know more about it. He studies, prepares and does all required homework for this course.
Muggle Studies: Coming from a half-blood family, Soren mostly understands how Muggles and how their systems work.
Potions: Soren is quite skilled with potions, though he had a not so great start for his first year or two. He shows interest and dedication, and the results have shown he is indeed fit for advanced potions.
Transfiguration: Soren is an average student when it comes to Transfiguration. Nothing spectacular, some would say only the bare minimum.

<3 <3 <3
Soren Daein
Celine Emmette

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