World of Harry Potter Forums

Marduk Stonecroft
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Author:  Marduk_Stonecroft [ Tue Aug 01, 2006 10:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Marduk Stonecroft

Name: Marduk Stonecroft

Age: 13

Hair: Dark Red

Eyes: Light Blue

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 120 lbs

Year: 3rd

House: Slytherin

Friends: None

Interests: hexes and charms. (hiddenly overly studies dark arts)

Recent achievements: n/a

Personality: Quiet when he wishes to be, keeping to himself since a group of gryffendors attacked him. Hating any who is not of his class though may grow to like a few if said person was persistant. But has boughts of rage when he has yet to unleash on someone for ether being picked on or causing a bad event or part of it.

Familiy: Not knowing who he family was as all he remembered was the orphan home. Having met his fully robed "god father" as he was named so by his parents and having known them, as such marduk was also given a letter of invitation by his god father to Hogworts. even was told that when marduk some day would become a death eater, he would made his parents proud.

Father: Deceased
Mother: Deceased
God Father: name not known at this time or identity.

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