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 Post subject: Julian Nolan
 Post Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 10:56 am 
Forum First Year
Forum First Year

Joined: Fri Jun 16, 2006 12:00 am
Posts: 15
Location: Paso Robles, California, USA.
Name: Julian Alexander Nolan

Nicknames: 'Jude', 'Jules' ussualy only called by his nickname by people he knows well or friends.

Age: Varies on year.

Birthday: April 8

Weight: Varies on year. 1st year: 95 lbs. 2nd year: 105 lbs. 3rd year: 120 lbs. 4th year : 150 lbs. 5th year: 170. 6th year: 180 lbs. 7th year and after: 195 lbs.

Height: Varies on year. 1st year: 4'6 1/2". 2nd year: 4'10". 3rd year: 5'1 1/2". 4th year: 5'4". 5th year: 5'6" 6th year: 5'8". 7th year and after: 5'10"

Strongest subjects: Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Charms, and Herbology.

Other subjects: Would normally find History of Magic interesting but Mr. Binns makes it seem boring. Astronomy isn't his weak subject, but its not with his strongest.

Family: Muggle Dad. Police Officer. Muggle Mum. Unemployed.

Appearance: Julian has dark brown hair that is a mid-length hair style. It is a straight cut, relatively short in the back and sides, with long, straight fringe (bangs). He has the size of a chaser or a heavy seeker. Medium height and weight for his age. Eye colour: Brown.

Personality/Bio: Julian being a muggle-born he finds it hard entering the wizarding world. He hates it if someone calls him a 'mudblood' or makes fun of his parents for being muggles. He has a fond taste for activity and is a natural athlete. He is also smart and knows how to react to things quickly. Because people call him things like 'mudblood', he wishes to become an Auror. He was born in Dublin, Ireland, but grew up in Liverpool, England.

Last edited by One-Winged_Angel on Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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